Rorate Caeli

The Miracles of the Pre-Conclave: Cardinal Roche says he has no problem with the Latin Mass

Well, that is a "vibe shift" if ever there was one.

The great persecutor of the Traditional Latin Mass, Cardinal Roche, apparently has no problem with Latin or the Latin Mass! What miracles do the airs of a possible upcoming conclave bring forth...

Here is his answer on the matter in his interview to the Catholic Herald:

CH [Herald]: One of the phenomena that has become apparent in the modern Church is the devotion that young people have to the Traditional Latin Mass, the 1962 Roman Missal promulgated by Pope John XXIII. What advice would you give to those who want to remain faithful members of the Church and love the Latin Mass but find themselves restricted in attending?

Book review: Enchanted by Eternity: Recapturing the Wonder of the Catholic Worldview

Enchanted by Eternity: Recapturing the Wonder of the Catholic Worldview 
by Fr. William Slattery is a stunningly insightful read.

The author, whose name you might recognize from his earlier and also very fine book Heroism and Genius: How Catholic Priests Helped Build—and Can Help Rebuild—Western Civilization, is an unusual combination: a fiery Irishman, a cold-blooded PhD in epistemology who specialized in alethic logic, a professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville, a historian – and a priest who is passionately in love with the Traditional Latin Mass. Listen to these words in the Acknowledgments section of his book:

What Is the Path Forward for the Church? The Church Lives by Her Tradition -- by Archbishop Héctor Agüer


The Future Course of the Church

by Archbishop Héctor Agüer
Emeritus of La Plata
Buenos Aires, March 3, 2025

     When a Pontificate lasts for many years, it is natural to think about what will happen when it ends. Catholics look to the future of the Church. What, then, is appropriate for the time to come?

Francis Health Update: More episodes of respiratory insufficiency - ventilation

Today the Holy Father presented two episodes of acute respiratory insufficiency, caused by a major accumulation of endobronchial mucus, and consequent broncospasm.

Two bronchoscopies were therefore performed, with the need for aspiration of copious secretions.

In the afternoon, non-invasive mechanical ventilation was resumed.

The Holy Father remained alert, oriented and cooperative at all times.

The prognosis remains reserved.

Who Could Be the Next Pope? -- Parolin: Fake Moderate, Sincere Progressive

Paix Liturgique
February 26, 2025

Cardinal Parolin, the Secretary of State, is considered very hostile to the Traditional Mass (playing on the nickname, “the Mass of All Time,” he is quoted as saying, “We must put an end to this Mass for all time!” At this time, when Rome is more or less preparing for a conclave, his friends are doing everything to sell, as the communicators say, an image of Parolin as a “moderate”, “man of consensus.” Pietro Parolin, who is said to be considering the name of John XXIV, would be in perfect continuity with the latter, but in a less disorderly, more administrative style. 

Parolin would be a more efficient Francis


Rorate: Paix Liturgique, the French traditionalist newsletter, then makes reference to an article we also published in December 2023. We repost it here now to recall to our readers the main characters of the future conclave, whenever it may take place.

Cardinal Parolin Lying in Ambush

Father Claude Barthe
Res Novae
December 2023

Is Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, the real candidate of the Bergoglian left[1]? It's worth remembering that in 2013, the self-appointed cardinals of the "St. Gallen Group", who brought Jorge Bergoglio to power, used the maneuver of putting forward the name of Cardinal Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo, to more effectively advance their real papabile, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Similarly today, behind the 66-year-old Filipino Cardinal Tagle, prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, but depressive and rather insignificant, or behind the 65-year-old Jesuit Cardinal Hollerich, archbishop of Luxembourg, rapporteur of the Synod of Bishops for a synodal Church, but too noisily heterodox, would actually be Cardinal Parolin.