IMPORTANT STUDY—“From Traditionis Custodes to the Responsa ad Dubia: On the Hermeneutics of Our Holy Father Francis’s Legislation”
A CHRISTMASTIDE MEDITATION - by Fr. Konrad Loewenstein: "Christ, the very Uncreated Light of God."
Dear Cardinal Cupich: At least obey the rubrics of the Novus Ordo Mass
Dear Cardinal Cupich:
“If the officials do not give sound advice, and if priests live without fear of the Lord, it is no wonder that the entire community can become immoderate and coarse”: Counter-Reformation preaching
“What if Rome no longer wants to be Roman?”: Interview with Martin Mosebach
Francis Has Already Lost
Cardinal Cupich’s Chicago Template: The Vatican-endorsed Litmus Test
“Very Instructive Paradoxes”: Fr. Laurent-Marie Pocquet du Haut Jussé, SJM
At St Germain (France), Catholics celebrate Christmas before the closed doors of a church because of the obstinate will of Pope Francis
“Never before has the Church seen such a malicious treatment of a movement within it”: Christophe Geffroy
Fontgombault Sermons for Christmas (Christmas Day Mass): "Let us pray for the Church, ...crossing through darkness."
Fontgombault Sermons for Christmas (Midnight Mass): War is raging everywhere, but Christ brings peace.
Midnight Mass
Important Declaration of the Superior of the Fraternity of St. Vincent Ferrer: "The Supreme Authority of the Church cannot go back on its word given to the members of the Ecclesia Dei communities: it is impossible for the members of our institutes to abandon our liturgical customs."
Their founder and current superior-general, Father Louis-Marie de Blignières, does not forget that these solemn commitment by the Holy See was made, and that thousands of men and women gave up their lives in the world because of this promise. It is not something that can simply be taken back from one day to the other. It is a not a joke. It is not a whim. It is a legal obligation that cannot be changed from one pope to the other, as it was made by the Holy See, not by Pope X, Y, or Z.
Their Christmas letter to the faithful is a most important declaration:
A Christmas Message from the Prior:
On the Subject of the Motu Proprio
O Emmanuel!
December 23, 2021
Christmas Message
Dear friends,
In fervent expectation of the Savior, I feel the need to speak to you about a subject that concerns us all. I will do so with words that come from the heart of a priest who has celebrated the traditional Mass with deep joy for more than forty-four years.
The Motu proprio Traditionis custodes of July 16, 2021, and the Responsa ad dubia of the Congregation for Divine Worship of December 18, 2021, raises a question for us: should the Institutes of Ecclesia Dei adopt, as they are invited to do, the celebration of the Mass and the sacraments according to the missal and rituals of Paul VI? In other words, should these Institutes begin a process of abandoning the liturgical books that predate the 1969 reform?
What is behind the papal strangulation of the old Mass?
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The author celebrating Mass in the Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate, England |
“Pomposity cannot stand ridicule”: A canon lawyer draws lessons from Communist history
Motus in fine velocior (2) - "With a Divisive, Useless, and Unjust Persecution, the Francis Crisis is Gathering Even More Speed" - by Roberto de Mattei
by Roberto de Mattei
On February 11, 2014, one year after the day on which Benedict XVI made known his decision to resign from the pontificate, I published an article entitled Motus in fine velocior to signal the beginning of a dizzying acceleration of time’s pace, starting with the resignation of Benedict and the election of Pope Francis on March 13, 2013.
Benedict XVI reigned from April 19, 2005, to February 28, 2013, seven years and ten months. From the election of Pope Francis to the approach of Christmas 2021 eight years and nine months of pontificate have passed. Benedict XVI’s post-pontificate is therefore longer than his pontificate: a paradoxical fact, which makes his resignation even more inexplicable, if the only or primary reason for it was the burden of advancing age. Had he not abdicated, Benedict XVI might have died earlier, due to the natural physical and moral strain that the government of the Church entails, but he would have been forced to face what, in his view, was the most serious problem of the contemporary Church: the loss of faith.
“When the shepherd becomes a wolf, the flock must defend itself”: Dr. Michael Fiedrowicz
Saints Athanasius & Cyril |
The Latin Mass Society’s Canonical Notes on the Responsa ad dubia
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Rorate Mass last Saturday, Holy Rood, Oxford |
IMPORTANT ARTICLE: LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE RESPONSA ON TRADITIONIS CUSTODES - "Congregation cannot make authoritative interpretations. Juridical status of document highly questionable, does not have legally binding force."
by Father Pierre Laliberté, JCL*
Assertions without reasons: A Statement in Protest of the CDW Responses from Pro Missa Tridentina
Dear Archbishop Roche: The Attempt to Cancel Tradition is doomed to failure
Dear Archbishop Roche:
Very early yesterday morning a “Rorate” Mass was celebrated in a local parish church in a New England town here in the United States with the kind and generous permission of the local bishop. It is not a “Traditional” parish per se.
“The Mask Has Fallen”: Interview with Dr. Kwasniewski in Inside the Vatican
Suppression Has Consequences
A small difficulty with the Responsa
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Rorate Mass at the Oxford Oratory, England |
An Eastern Catholic Priest on the Recent Vatican Document
Traditional Catholics: Exceptions to "Synodality"
They are a hindrance that one must get rid of as soon as possible.
Father Claude Barthe: We Must Resist the Illegitimate Norms on the Traditional Rite - "Vatican hardliners have started a war they can only lose."
Resisting an unjust liturgical law
[Rorate: Father Barthe is well known by our readers. One of the greatest experts in the history of the Traditional movement, and the chaplain of the pilgrimage to Rome, he knows what he talks about.] This morning, the Congregation for Divine Worship published responses to certain provisions of the Apostolic Letter in the form of a "Motu Proprio" Traditionis Custodes. We interviewed Father Claude Barthe.
Father, the offensive against the traditional liturgy seems to be intensifying considerably, judging by the publication on December 18 of responsa, answers to questions asked or supposed to have been asked to the Congregation for Divine Worship.
A "Revolution of Tenderness", or "The Roche Christmas Massacre": A Farce in Eleven Dubia
As reported by this blog a few days ago, the "clarifications" of Traditionis custodes from the CDWDS, which the Pope has given his assent to, have been published today - relentlessly appalling in their attempted suppression of the traditional rites, yet comically absurd in their claim to be "preserving the gift of ecclesial communion by walking together, with conviction of mind and heart". In this current joke of a pontificate, war truly is peace.
The summary of what the Pope and the CDWDS are attempting to do is as follows:
Urgent - Roche Christmas Massacre - CDW Instruction on Latin Mass in the form of Responses to Dubia
RORATE: As we first published here, the Francis iteration of the Vatican came out today with an instruction in the form of answered "dubia" by the Congregation for Divine Worship.
The summary of the responses: all Sacraments in the Pontificale Romanum are banned (Ordinations, confirmations); Sacraments according to the Rituale (Baptism, Matrimony, Extreme Unction) only in the setting of Personal Parishes. "Bination" (celebrating both the Traditional Mass and the new order on the same day) is forbidden. There are other points.
Our opinion: in the midst of the gigantic crisis afflicting the Church in the West, including the crisis of attendance following the pandemic, that this violence is the priority of the Vatican is very revealing. It is revealing of the false mercy of this Evil Shepherd elected by irresponsible Cardinals in 2013. It is revealing of the spirit of spite that reigns in this totalitarian pontificate. It is revealing of the disgusting presence of Satan in the middle of the Church.
Benedict XVI had brought liturgical peace to the Church. An end to the liturgical wars. The current pope has chosen to reignite them. There is no logical reason for that. Just an underlying desire for division and violence.
Despite it all, this shall pass. This grotesque spectacle of a pontificate will come to an end. The Traditional Rite has not seen its last chapter, certainly not under this charade of a ruler, a caricature of a comical Latin American caudillo! No, no, if Paul VI in all his power and the great power of the Council in the 1970s was not able to crush us, this clique of geriatric marauders will certainly not succeed. Just hang on. Time is on our side.
Ignore this nonsense as much as you can. Support the clergymen who resist this illegitimate action. We’ll muddle through. Time is on our side.
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
on certain provisions of the
Apostolic Letter
issued “Motu Proprio” by the Supreme Pontiff
Your Eminence / Your Excellency,
'The Council and the Eclipse of God' by Don Pietro Leone - Section II - Man - Chapter VI - MAN'S CHOICE OF LIFE
youth, youth, you have no cares, all the riches of the world are thine, even
misfortune comforts thee, even sorrow rests easy on thy brow. Thou art arrogant
and proud, and thou sayest: Look at me! Look! I alone exist! - even as thy days
race by and vanish without trace and without number, and everything in thee
dissolves and melts away like wax in the sun, like the snow…’
Turgenev, First Love [1]
Having seen how the Council has attempted to amalgamate the Church and
the World, we shall now see more closely how it informs this construct not with
the spirit of the Church, the Spirit of Truth and Sanctification which is in effect
the Holy Spirit, Her Soul; but with the spirit of the World, which is the
spirit of fallen man. This latter spirit, as we said in the Preface, we
consider the key to understanding the Council. We shall consequently proceed to
present Council teaching on man: in the first chapter, man in the two forms of
life in which he may realize himself on this earth: the married and the
consecrated life, whether that of the priest or that of the religious; in the
second chapter, man in his relation to God; in the third chapter, man in
In this second part of the book we shall witness the work of destruction
of Catholic doctrine, which we have seen above in regard to the Faith and the
Church, continue in regard to the sacraments of marriage and the Holy Eucharist,
and in regard to the priesthood and religious life.
URGENT - EXCLUSIVE - “The Roche Christmas Massacre”: CDW Instruction on Traditionis Custodes to be issued next week
RORATE has learned, and can confirm, that the instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship (Prefect: Archbishop Arthur Roche) on the application of the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes is to be published next week. (Unless some extraordinary measure prevents the publication of the already approved text.)
The instruction will try (among other things) to impose over the global Church, by violent and illegitimate will of the legislator, the blueprint established for the Diocese of Rome by its Cardinal Vicar months ago regarding all Sacraments other than the Holy Eucharist.
If we gather more details before publication, we will let you know.
Is a Vatican Plan Under Way to Prohibit Traditional Ordinations?
“Death Comes for the Cathedrals”: Proust's Masterful Essay Now Published as a Deluxe Hardcover
“A New Threat Looms over Notre Dame de Paris: What the Fire Spared, the Diocese Wants to Destroy”: Manifesto Signed by 105 French Cultural Figures
Mexican Cardinal restores rights of Traditional Latin Mass community
December 6, 2021
Press release
Children and adults pray for more parishioners to be heard.
Guadalajara, Jalisco. - The days of uncertainty lived by the parishioners of San Pedro en Cadenas quasi-parish are now gone. His Eminence Francisco Cardinal Robles, Archbishop of Guadalajara, decided to reverse his decree of suppressing this quasi-parish.
In a recent visit to Casa Cristo Rey (the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter’s parsonage), the Cardinal stated that the next step will now be an adequate evaluation on the usefulness of the quasi-parish for the spiritual good of the faithful, as instructed by Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Traditiones Custodes.
Major interview by Henry Sire (author of the Dictator Pope): "Essentially the problem is that Bergoglio has no real principles, like the typical Peronist that he is."
Henry Sire, the historian and former member of the Order of Malta (illegally expelled for his research work on Francis) is well known and well regarded by orthodox Catholics worldwide for his great book on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, "The Dictator Pope."
Event in New York City: Sacred Art Conference for Young Adults
On Saturday, December 11th, Juventutem NYC will host a Sacred Art Conference at the Shrine Church of the Holy Innocents in New York City. The event will begin at 1:00pm with Holy Mass in the traditional Roman Rite, followed by talks on topics such as “Sanctifying Grace and Sacred Beauty” and “Churches as sacred spaces that consecrate and defend the consecrated.” The conference is held in honor of St Nicholas, and seven notable Italian Baroque paintings of the Miracles of Saint Nicholas from the private Papenhoek Collection will be presented for private devotion. The afternoon will round off with a young adult social with refreshments. Register by December 10th at Admission is $20 to help defray some of the costs and additional donations are gratefully appreciated. The Shrine of the Holy Innocents is located at 128 West 37th Street (at Broadway) in Manhattan. The parish is readily accessible by regional transit and is at walking distance from Penn Station.
In the Darkness of Advent: The Light of Tradition that cannot be quenched
It is indeed difficult in these times in the Catholic Church for those of us who love the Tradition of the Catholic Church to have joy at the center of our lives. The mean-spirited and dishonest attack on Tradition in the publication of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes has been followed by statements by the head of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Archbishop Roche, that make it clear that these relics of the 1960s who are now in power in Rome are determined to erase from the Church’s memory the Roman Mass of Catholic Tradition. There are those of us who believe that the crisis of the Church today is no less severe than the crisis the Church faced when the “world woke up to find itself Arian”. The Arian crisis was overcome not only because of the constant witness of great bishops like St. Athanasius to the Catholic faith but also because of the laity who continued to sing the liturgical hymns at Mass that proclaimed the full divinity of Christ as true God and true man.
New Book Defends All-Male Liturgical Ministry, Subdiaconate/Minor Orders, and the Proper Roles of Clergy and Laity
Important Advent Donation Reminder: Donate to the Only Traditional Diocese in the World, in Campos
This is an important reminder for your Christmas donation: please, consider helping the only Traditional Catholic local church in the world, the Apostolic Administration of Campos, Brazil.
For more on how to help in their Advent Drive, click here. Don’t let this work of Tradition without the means to attend to the needs of their large but poor congregations.
Re-education Decrees for “Second Class Catholics”: The Effects of Traditionis Custodes in France
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Faithful gathered outside the Parish archbishop's residence |
A New Printed Edition of Traditional Roman Compline (Latin/English)
The Roadmap of Archbishop Roche: Liquidate the Traditional Liturgy!
Rorate is pleased to present a translation of the Paix Liturgique Letter 837, with permission of Christian Marquant.
Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society

Ex-Ecclesia Dei Communities Facing a Decision
Rorate Caeli is pleased to present a translation of this November 30, 2021 article from the excellent German website Motu proprio: Summorum Pontificum.
Fontgombault Sermon for the First Sunday in Advent: "What can be feared of a Child?"
First Sunday in Advent
The most serious conspiracy is not against human rights, but against the supreme rights of God -- by Roberto de Mattei
The most terrible conspiracy: that of silence
Roberto de Mattei
Liturgical Polarisation: a Reply to Fr Ruff
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Mass celebrated Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, London, on the feast of St Cecelia. The Mass was offered for the good estate of Vladimir Ashkenazy and his family: he is the sole survivor of the signatories of the 1971 Petition which prompted Pope Paul VI to grant the first of the 'Indults' allowing public celebrations. |
either one supports Vatican II and the reformed liturgy to the exclusion of the preconciliar liturgy, or one shows greater or lesser openness to the preconciliar liturgy, which seems to be equated with opposition to Vatican II.
He does not pause to explain what "opposition to Vatican II" might mean, but admits that not everyone falls into these two strictly opposed camps: