Rorate Caeli

A surprise?

[2002 GMT:] Could there be a surprise during the Chair of Unity Octave?

Rumors have been intense in the past few days.

UPDATE (2100 GMT):
DICI (SSPX News Agency)

Message of H. E. Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X

Dear faithful,

The Rosary Crusade, to which we invited you in Lourdes, during our memorable pilgrimage of Christ-the-King, at the end of last October, has by far exceeded our expectations. In less than two months, one million seven hundred and three thousand rosaries were recited throughout the world to obtain from Our Lady the withdrawal of the decree of excommunication of 1988.

We would like to thank you all wholeheartedly. Considering such a generosity, we dare to ask you to continue your efforts in praying that this Crusade may bear its fruits for the good of the whole Church.

+Bernard Fellay
Menzingen, 20 January 2009

UPDATE 2 (2250 GMT):

Rome. January 19. Own sources. In well-informed circles, it is said that Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior-General of the FSSPX, would have already delivered, in a discreet visit to Rome, the "bouquet" of 1.000.000 rosaries offered to the Most Holy Virgin, asking for the grace that the Holy See remove the excommunications which weigh on the four Bishops consecrated in 1988. [Source: Argentinian online Catholic website Panorama Católico Mundial.]