Conservative and traditional-minded Catholics were heavily criticized for the anonymous posters spread around Rome a few weeks ago with not a single mistake: both content and image were rigorously correct, not an unjust criticism of the Pope.
Naturally, no one ever proved that any conservative Catholic was behind the posters.
Because the fact that this Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is a Socialist and a strong-armed politician is a common conclusion throughout Italy -- as was seen this weekend in the Carnival parades of Viareggio, coastal Tuscany.
Behold the Che GuePapa:
Now, if there is one thing one can be sure regarding conservative and traditionalist Catholics is that they abhor festivities and debaucheries such as those of Carnival and Mardi Gras. So there is no way any serious Catholic is behind this float. What it means is that the view of the pope as a partisan hard-leftist politician has become so ingrained in Italian folk imagination that it has even reached the ironic and comic Carnevale: the Pope's angels according to the Italian vox populi are Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Fidel...
(Sources: Antonio Socci and Le Forum Catholique)
(Sources: Antonio Socci and Le Forum Catholique)