Rorate Caeli

Happy Feast of St. Dominic!


Today is the feast day of St. Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order (officially the Ordo Praedicatorum, or "Order of Preachers" (O.P.)). The patron saint of astronomers and natural scientists, St. Dominic is venerated for his intellectual rigor and clear teaching against heresy. 

The Dominican Order also has its own distinct liturgy, the Dominican Rite Mass, which dates from the 13th century. Vatican II reaffirmed the place of such liturgical diversity within the Roman Church, proclaiming that "holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity" and "she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way."

In that spirit, the Arlington Latin Mass Society yesterday organized a lecture on the Dominican Rite Mass with Fr. Leo Camurati, O.P. at St. John the Beloved in McLean, VA. Fr. Camurati gave a brilliant presentation on the history of the Dominican Rite. He highlighted the Rite's connection to Dominican spirituality, especially St. Dominic's nine ways of prayer, which emphasize how physical posture (bowing, laying prostrate) can powerfully orient one's soul to God. Fr. Camurati recounted how St. Dominic would pray laying prostrate before the altar, lamenting his sins.

We followed with a Dominican Rite Mass. The schola and servers did an excellent job, and Fr. Camurati gave a powerful homily, comparing St. Dominic's clear teaching to a clarifying light that shines through the darkness. 

St. Dominic, pray for us!