This blog now enters in complete recess during the Triduum, a recess which will only be interrupted if the measure many have been anticipating is made public in these most sacred days.
We are increasingly skeptical regarding the release of a document dealing with the Traditional Mass tomorrow, for the following reasons, among others:
(a) Traditional Catholics have been deceived and kicked around for too long and this could well be another episode of the same old story;
(b) The complete silence of the first-rate Vaticanists, both conservative and progressive;
(c) The fact that most if not all well positioned Traditional Clergy seem to remain completely in the dark, the same men who, at this point, should have known whether something was going to happen tomorrow or not.
We hope the Traditional Rites of the Holy Roman Church have their rightful place once again duly recognized in the Latin Church, and we hope this happens as soon as possible, this very Maundy Thursday if Our Lord wills it! We earnestly hope our skepticism is proven wrong and that this ultimately proves to be a master stroke by the Holy Father.
May you and your families have a very holy Triduum and a happy Easter.

We are increasingly skeptical regarding the release of a document dealing with the Traditional Mass tomorrow, for the following reasons, among others:
(a) Traditional Catholics have been deceived and kicked around for too long and this could well be another episode of the same old story;
(b) The complete silence of the first-rate Vaticanists, both conservative and progressive;
(c) The fact that most if not all well positioned Traditional Clergy seem to remain completely in the dark, the same men who, at this point, should have known whether something was going to happen tomorrow or not.
We hope the Traditional Rites of the Holy Roman Church have their rightful place once again duly recognized in the Latin Church, and we hope this happens as soon as possible, this very Maundy Thursday if Our Lord wills it! We earnestly hope our skepticism is proven wrong and that this ultimately proves to be a master stroke by the Holy Father.
May you and your families have a very holy Triduum and a happy Easter.

Sub tuum præsidium
confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus,
sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.
confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus,
sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.