The Roman Synod of 1960
The Mass that is "more directed toward God"
Today is Friday, so...

Below, please find the thirteenth posting of enrolled souls of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society.
Letter of the PCED to Una Voce
Surprise: Belgian Marxist Gaudium et Spes commission Secretary
outed as child abuser
Father François Houtart, an 85-year-old Belgian activist priest who served as a peritus at the Second Vatican Council, has admitted twice abusing his cousin in 1970. His cousin was then an eight-year-old boy.
Ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Malines-Brussels in 1949, Houtart taught at the Catholic University of Louvain from 1958 to 1990. As a peritus at Vatican II, he assisted Cardinal Leo Jozef Suenens and served as secretary of the subcommission that drafted the introduction to Gaudium et Spes, the pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world.
An international petition drive calling upon the Nobel Prize committee to award Houtart the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 has attracted thousands of signatures from 74 nations. In the midst of this effort, the sister of the abuse victim lodged a complaint with Church officials in Belgium, and the priest admitted the abuse.
A reminder on how to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "name, state, country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Pancetta family, Rome, Italy". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Interesting words
The goal of your Fraternity is still to integrate the Catholic Church?
Yes, we have always maintained that we do not wish to go our own way. We maintain that we are Catholic and that we remain so. We wish that Rome will recognize us as true Bishops. Otherwise, the word schismatic is not used any longer regarding us. Now, if we are not schismatics, nor heretics, then we are truly Catholic. Otherwise, the Pope says that there is solely a problem of a canonical nature. An act of Rome suffices to state that it's over and that we reenter the Church. This will happen [Ça viendra.]. I am very optimistic.
This is the sign of the Church always, the Sign of Blood

Seven years were my people without my presence;
Seven years of misery and pain.
Seven years a mendicant on foreign charity I lingered abroad:
Seven years is no brevity.
I shall not get those seven years back again.
Never again, you must make no doubt,
Shall the sea run between the shepherd and his fold.
It is not I who insult the King,
And there is higher than I or the King.
It is not I, Becket from Cheapside,
It is not against me, Becket, that you strive.
It is not Becket who pronounces doom,
But the Law of Christ's Church, the judgement of Rome.
I am here.
No traitor to the King.
I am a priest,
A Christian, saved by the blood of Christ,
Ready to suffer with my blood.
This is the sign of the Church always,
The sign of blood.
Blood for blood.
His blood given to buy my life,
My blood given to pay for His death.
My death for His death.
For my Lord I am now ready to die,
That His Church may have peace and liberty.
Lord of the Flies
Found: secret ceremony of those responsible for the New Mass

Homily of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI (Midnight Mass)
Urgent news may be posted at any time
Do not lose heart!
Urbi et Orbi, Christmas 2010

Christmas Day is one of those few days during the liturgical year when the priest is privileged to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice three times.
Buon Natale!
Please pray for these souls with the prayer provided below as well as for the 11 holy priests who are praying the Mass of All Ages either weekly or monthly for the success of the Society and the repose of the enrolled souls. Most of them are also praying for those who are saying prayers for the enrolled souls. So keep up the prayers and the priests will keep praying for you!
December 23/24: Just a reminder that...
...until 1965, fasting and / or complete abstinence were prescribed by the Church for either December 23 or 24.
According to the chapter on "Feasts and Fasts throughout the Year" in The New Marian Missal for Daily Mass, compiled by Fr. Sylvester P. Juergens SM and published by Regina Press, NY, in 1963, December 24 was a day of fasting and complete abstinence in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the USA. In Canada and the Philippines the fasting and abstinence of December 24 were moved to December 23.
Perhaps our readers could indicate in the combox the rules for fasting / abstinence in the two days prior to Christmas that obtained in other parts of the world until 1965.

A question for our readers: have you spotted this too?
It is, of course, pure chance that S Thomas the Apostle, in the Traditional Calendar, comes on December 21, just before Christmas; "Interrupting", as Dr Bugnini primly put it, "the series of the Great Ferias of Advent". My problem with the rational transference of the Apostle to July is that he seems an admirable Patron Saint of Christmas ... if you can get your minds round that rather bizarre formulation...
Pontifical Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
"Only the best for the Altar"
From 8-11 September 2010, Fatima hosted a conference whose object was to promote the discovery and celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Portugal. (Rorate's post on this event can be found here; the NLM has a series of posts on the same event: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Solemn Mass in the Basilica Shrine Fatima -- CAP)

Some interpretations have presented the words of the Pope as a contradiction of the traditional moral teaching of the Church. This hypothesis has been welcomed by some as a positive change and lamented by others as a cause of concern – as if his statements represented a break with the doctrine concerning contraception and with the Church’s stance in the fight against AIDS. In reality, the words of the Pope – which specifically concern a gravely disordered type of human behaviour, namely prostitution (cf. Light of the World, pp. 117-119) – do not signify a change in Catholic moral teaching or in the pastoral practice of the Church.
As is clear from an attentive reading of the pages in question, the Holy Father was talking neither about conjugal morality nor about the moral norm concerning contraception. This norm belongs to the tradition of the Church and was summarized succinctly by Pope Paul VI in paragraph 14 of his Encyclical Letter Humanae vitae, when he wrote that "also to be excluded is any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation—whether as an end or as a means." The idea that anyone could deduce from the words of Benedict XVI that it is somehow legitimate, in certain situations, to use condoms to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is completely arbitrary and is in no way justified either by his words or in his thought. On this issue the Pope proposes instead – and also calls the pastors of the Church to propose more often and more effectively (cf. Light of the World, p. 147) – humanly and ethically acceptable ways of behaving which respect the inseparable connection between the unitive and procreative meaning of every conjugal act, through the possible use of natural family planning in view of responsible procreation.
On the pages in question, the Holy Father refers to the completely different case of prostitution, a type of behaviour which Christian morality has always considered gravely immoral (cf. Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, n. 27; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2355). The response of the entire Christian tradition – and indeed not only of the Christian tradition – to the practice of prostitution can be summed up in the words of St. Paul: "Flee from fornication" (1 Cor 6:18). The practice of prostitution should be shunned, and it is the duty of the agencies of the Church, of civil society and of the State to do all they can to liberate those involved from this practice.
In this regard, it must be noted that the situation created by the spread of AIDS in many areas of the world has made the problem of prostitution even more serious. Those who know themselves to be infected with HIV and who therefore run the risk of infecting others, apart from committing a sin against the sixth commandment are also committing a sin against the fifth commandment – because they are consciously putting the lives of others at risk through behaviour which has repercussions on public health. In this situation, the Holy Father clearly affirms that the provision of condoms does not constitute "the real or moral solution" to the problem of AIDS and also that "the sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality" in that it refuses to address the mistaken human behaviour which is the root cause of the spread of the virus. In this context, however, it cannot be denied that anyone who uses a condom in order to diminish the risk posed to another person is intending to reduce the evil connected with his or her immoral activity. In this sense the Holy Father points out that the use of a condom "with the intention of reducing the risk of infection, can be a first step in a movement towards a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality." This affirmation is clearly compatible with the Holy Father’s previous statement that this is "not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection."
Some commentators have interpreted the words of Benedict XVI according to the so-called theory of the "lesser evil". This theory is, however, susceptible to proportionalistic misinterpretation (cf. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Veritatis splendor, n. 75-77). An action which is objectively evil, even if a lesser evil, can never be licitly willed. The Holy Father did not say – as some people have claimed – that prostitution with the use of a condom can be chosen as a lesser evil. The Church teaches that prostitution is immoral and should be shunned. However, those involved in prostitution who are HIV positive and who seek to diminish the risk of contagion by the use of a condom may be taking the first step in respecting the life of another – even if the evil of prostitution remains in all its gravity. This understanding is in full conformity with the moral theological tradition of the Church.
In conclusion, in the battle against AIDS, the Catholic faithful and the agencies of the Catholic Church should be close to those affected, should care for the sick and should encourage all people to live abstinence before and fidelity within marriage. In this regard it is also important to condemn any behaviour which cheapens sexuality because, as the Pope says, such behaviour is the reason why so many people no longer see in sexuality an expression of their love: "This is why the fight against the banalization of sexuality is also part of the struggle to ensure that sexuality is treated as a positive value and to enable it to have a positive effect on the whole of man’s being" (Light of the World, p. 119).
Only the truth saves

Monsignor Bux said WHAT???
Time for a new Syllabus?
A veritable hurricane struck at Rome yesterday, December 17, 2010, just steps away from the Basilica of St. Peter: a bishop has offered nothing less than ... the reassertion of the infallible magisterium of the Church.
Two anticipated speeches marked the first day: that of Mgr. Gherardini, author of “Vatican II: an open debate” and Professor Roberto De Mattei, Italian historian and author of a recent volume on the council called “The Second Vatican Council: A story never written” (currently available only in Italian, Lindau editions). Both responded to criticism aimed at their work, paradoxically from elsewhere in the conservative camp, wherein lie a few rare defenders of the infallibility of the Council.
Yesterday, December 17, it was Monsignor Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Karaganda who highlighted the event during his communication on the theme of the worship of God as the theological basis for the pastoral council. Offering a long anthology of very theologically orthodox quotations extracted from the conciliar texts, he somehow presented to his audience selected texts of a Vatican II, “more orthodox than Trent.” The captatio benevolentiae was particularly effective; the assembly anxiously awaited the next words to fall from the bishop’s mouth. It was then, while denouncing the misinterpretation of the council in the post-conciliar period, that the bishop concluded his remarks by suggesting...the writing of a Syllabus infallibly condemning "the misinterpretation of the Vatican Council II”.
Because, according to Bishop Schneider, only the supreme magisterium of the Church (the Pope or a new ecumenical council) may correct the abuses and errors arising from the Council and correct its understanding and its reception in the light of Catholic tradition. Responding to a request for clarification, he caused the scholarly gathering to burst out laughing by stating that it was not possible to convene a council for another 500 years. It is left therefore, to the supreme magisterium of the Pope. Hence his call for a new Syllabus that would list the condemned errors side by side with their orthodox interpretations.
Like so many other instances over the past 40 years, it is the infallible judgment of the Pope in "restating" Vatican II that is called for. Except that since the "freedom of speech" put in place by Benedict XVI, it is now up to officials to make that call.
Osservatore Vaticano
Fr. Mark Kirby on Ad Orientem and the TLM
Rorate cæli:
The silence of His coming

A Vatican rebuke to the "Patriotic Church" in China

The holy priests of the Society of St. Pius X in America have started an email update list. One can subscribe simply by entering their e-mail address in the webform on the left navigation bar at
The update list will be sent out regularly and keep readers informed of new additions to the site and announcements, as well as forthcoming features.

Let us especially help spread the word and pray for these souls during Advent. While many people just think Advent is the time to put up Christmas lights and go see Santa, it's really a time of penance and preparing our souls for the coming of Our Lord. What better way than to pray for those who long to see Him face-to-face? In fact, please make it your goal to get them into Heaven by Christmas. Ask Our Lady for this special request.
Please pray for these souls with the prayer provided below as well as for the 11 holy priests who are praying the Mass of All Ages either weekly or monthly for the success of the Society and the repose of the enrolled souls. Most of them are also praying for those who are saying prayers for the enrolled souls. So keep up the prayers and the priests will keep praying for you!
Benedict XVI on Religious Freedom and the Persecution of Christians
Msgr. Fellay's 2010 Angelus Press Conference and Fr. Gaudron on "Light of the World"
The same website has also posted an English translation of the essay Light...and shadows in Light of the World written by Fr. Matthias Gaudron SSPX. This essay had been mentioned in some discussions on the Internet (including those in the Rorate comboxes) as providing a more nuanced view of the Pope's remarks on condoms compared to the official statement from Menzingen.
Met. Hilarion (Alfeyev) on Wikileaks: Some Comments
A few websites and discussion forums have drawn attention to one of the leaked cables published by Wikileaks, describing a conversation between a U.S. ambassador and Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of the Russian Orthodox Church. The cable, among other things, details the cozy relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the post-communist Russian State. It is possible that the cable seriously misrepresents the statements of Metropolitan Hilarion, but that seems unlikely as it merely reinforces information that can already be found elsewhere on the Internet. (Think as well of the recent dedication of icons on the Kremlin Towers -- see this and this).
Some passages in the cable should be of interest to Traditional Catholics, and I reproduce them here with a bit of commentary:
9. (C) Although the ROC has accomplished a great deal recently in its efforts to gain more social and political prominence, a significant gap remains between its teachings and the ethos of modern Russian culture. The GOR may see no problems with eroding the wall between Church and State, but that appears to be affecting the ROC’s political role more than its social one. Hilarion lamented that although 70-80 percent of Russians call themselves Orthodox, very few (about 5 percent) attend church regularly, and even fewer “have their life influenced by the Orthodox faith.” The Church’s dilemma, he explained, is that it needs to build a bridge to young people who see no role for the Church in their lives, while at the same time maintaining the original essence of the Church’s teachings. “We don’t need to update or modernize services,” Hilarion said, but “we must still overcome cultural and psychological barriers” separating religious and secular life in Russia. In his opinion, the best forum for accomplishing this is education, and he envisioned a comprehensive program that raised awareness without appearing invasive.
2. (C) In a January 28 conversation with the Ambassador, Head of the ROC’s External Relations Division Archbishop Hilarion made the case for the Russian Orthodox Church’s (ROC) recent push to assert its influence over Russian society and politics. By turns candid and circumspect, Hilarion freely admitted that the ROC has been ramping up its public statements in favor of its interests, and has been extending its reach further into heretofore secular areas of society such as children’s education***
10. (C) In the absence of a widespread, active following among most people (at least in their day-to-day activities), the ROC is clearly attempting to throw its weight around politically. For those of us accustomed to seeing a firewall between Church and State the ROC’s growing assertiveness, and open admission that they intend to pervade all aspects of public Russian society may appear alarming...
The following thoughts are from the Chaplain of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society -- a 27-year-old American diocesan priest who remembers the Society at every Mass he says, and will continue to do so for as long as our Good God allows him to minister to His children. That's a lot of Masses.
And don't forget to send in the names of the souls you want enrolled.
A reminder on how to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "name, state, country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Pacelli family, Rome, Italy". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Chaplain's Reflection:
The day is at hand!
Our Advent observance invites us to rise from sleep and to prepare the ways of the Only-Begotten to prepare the path to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was the historical center of the coming of the promised Messiah. It was the place in time and space where Our Savior taught, and died, and rose to life again. But it also is a foreshadowing of the Jerusalem of the Church -- the Jerusalem in which the promise of salvation is extended to people of all nations.
All mankind is called to that new Jerusalem -- the Mystical Body -- in which we may receive the divine life in abundance. As the Church will be renewed at the end of time, we too can point to that new Jerusalem that will come to reality when Our Lord returns to judge the living and dead.
Cardinal Mercier, the late Archbishop of Mechelen, invites us to "enter into the sanctuary of our baptized souls," that inner sanctuary which is also the new Jerusalem. It is the Jerusalem of our baptized souls where our Savior wishes to dwell. In the kingdom of grace that is the Church, the wonders that Our Lord conveys to John the Baptist are still occurring.
The Lord heals those who are blind to heavenly realities, He bids us to walk in the ways of salvation, and makes the dead in sin arise to the new life of grace.
During this season of Advent, as we prepare for the Christmas mystery, let us drink from that stream of grace which the Sacrament of the Altar brings to us. As we prepare for the coming of Our Savior, we remember in prayer our deceased brothers and sisters who have traveled before us on our common pilgrimage to heaven. We pray that they too may be purified and that their path from death into eternal life may be made straight.
May Christ, coming in humility in the crib of Bethlehem, purify His Church for His coming in glory.
Regem venturum Dominum, venite, adoremus!
And please remember to follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter, where we now have over 400 followers.

Please also pray for these souls with the prayer provided below as well as for the 11 holy priests who are praying the Traditional Latin Mass either weekly or monthly for the success of the Society and the repose of the enrolled souls. Most of them are also praying for those who are saying prayers for the enrolled souls. So keep up the prayers and the priests will keep praying for you!
A reminder on how to enroll souls: please email me at my address found in my profile on the right and submit as follows: "name, state, country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The DiMartino family, Rome, Italy". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Also, if you run a blog or website, please consider letting your readers know about the Society as well by posting a link or short write-up. God knows there aren't enough people praying for these souls -- let's all join together and get the word out.
Then ...Eternal God,
please bless our priests,
who are selflessly saying Masses for this Society.
Make them more greatly aware of the grace
that You pour out through them
when they minister the sacraments,
and help them to fall more deeply in love with You
after each and every Mass that they celebrate.
Please strengthen our priests,
who shepherd Your flock,
when they are in doubt of their faith,
that they may be examples of Your Truth
and guide us always on the path to You.
We ask these things of You, our Eternal Priest.
Father Joseph Conrad, Carmel, CA
Fr. Didier Bonneterre SSPX, Paris, France
Fr. Janssen SJ, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fr. Jeuken SJ, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fr. Hardjono, Bogor, Indonesia
Mgr. Leo Soekoto SJ, Jakarta, Indonesia
Melie Liauw, Bogor, Indonesia
Irianto, Bogor, Indonesia
Fr. Sewaka SJ, Jakarta, Indonesia
Lina Gomulia, Garut, Indonesia
The Walker Family, Michigan, USA
Fr. Peek, USA
Fr. P. Grienins, SA , Australia
Fr P. Becs SJ, NSW, Australia
Fr. S. Gaidelis SJ, Vic, Australia
Fr. L. Ornicans SJ, Innsbruck, Austria
Fr. J. Clark, Qld, Australia
Fr. J. O'Shea, Qld, Australia
Fr. F. Moynihan, Qld, Australia
Fr. C. Shand, Qld, Australia
Fr. D. Edwards, Qld, Australia
Fr. W. Ross, Qld, Australia
Fr. Lee, Qld, Australia
Fr. Elliott, Qld, Australia
Fr. A. Smelters, Latvia,
Sr. Columba, OP
Sr. Colmcille, OP
Sr. Finbarr,OP
Sr. Thomas, OP
Sr. Xavier, OP
All the other deceased sisters of
Dominican Convent, Cabra, SA, Australia
Henriks Svilans, SA, Australia
Helena Svilans, SA, Australia
Anna Rozitis, SA, Australia
Andrievs Dennis, ACT, Australia
Eizens Smits, SA, Australia
Veronika Smits, SA, Australia
Ojars Zalups, SA, Australia
Anna Zalups, SA, Australia
Jana Vovers, SA, Australia
Ettie Pattullo, SA, Australia
Petronilla Mesters, SA, Australia
Marija Sils, SA, Australia
Mr. Walsh, Australia
Mrs. Walsh, Australia
Betty Zagami, Qld, Australia
Pat Ryan, Qld, Australia
Rita Ryan, Qld, Australia
Doris Murray, Qld, Australia
Alvina Jaudzems, SA, Australia
Leonora Ositis, SA, Australia
Aloizs Snepsts, SA, Australia
Marta Snepsts, SA, Australia
Helena Purins, SA, Australia
Helena Grinmanis, SA, Australia
Alvine Baginskis, Qld, Australia
Des Wills, SA, Australia
Kevin Carpenter, Qld, Australia
Stanislavs Svilans, NSW, Australia
Janis Puisens, Australia
Marian Scarrabelotti, Australia
Roberts Skrebelis, SA, Australia
Peteris Kozinda, SA, Australia
Mr. & Mrs. Teivans, SA, Australia
Mr. & Mrs. Mortuzans, SA, Australia
Gio Brusasco, Sofia, Bulgaria
Theresa Piatek, Illinois, USA
Claire Michelle Burns, Washington, USA
Jerome Longawa, Tennessee, USA
Francis Wibom, Washington, USA
Gladys Payne and Corby, Massachusetts, USA
Heather Stilwell, British Columbia, Canada
Steve and Lucille Baldiga, Massachusetts, USA
Terry Duhannel, Rhode Island, USA
Walter and Edward Baldiga, Massachusetts, USA
Omer Perron, Rhode Island, USA
Ray and Bruce Robidioux, Rhode Island, USA
Susan DeVoll, Texas, USA
Raymond Reed, Louisiana, USA
DeVoll Family, Texas, USA
Thomas Dewey Dies, Texas, USA
Peter and Mary Morrell, Texas, USA
Roy Morrell, Texas, USA
Mercedita M. Labrador, Q.C., Philippines
Gloria M. Magnaye, San Pascual, Batangas, Philippines
Maxester F. Tongol, Calumpit, Bulacan, Philippines
Maximino Tongol, Calumpit, Bulacan, Philippines
Eleanor R. Labrador, Cainta, Philippines
Michelle R. Labrador, Cainta, Philippines
Irene T. Marquez, San Pascual, Batangas, Philippines
Leocadio Marquez, San Pascual, Batangas, Philippines
Adelaida Labrador, Iloilo, Philippines
Isidro Labrador, Iloilo Philippines
Carmino Labrador, Manila. Philippines
Gloria Labrador, Manila, Philippines
Romeo Mendoza, San Pascual, Batangas, Philippines
Judge Jose Castro, Q.C., Philippines
Yvonne Manalo, Iloilo, Philippines
Ariel Roque, Batangas, Philippines
F. Cordova, Manila, Philippines
Dionisio Marquez, Batangas, Philippines
Lody Mendoza, Marikina, Philippines
Norma Abuel, Marikina, Philippines
Sonny Velandria, Marikina, Philippines
Rey Perlata, Marikina, Philippines
Frank Teneza, Makati, Philippines
Cesar Mata, Antipolo, Philippines
Leslie Cruz, Makati, Philippines
Mrs. Fausto, Manila, Philippines
Ate Linda, Marikina, Philippines
Soledad Abuel, Marikina, Philippines
Francisco Mendoza, Batangas, Philippines
Marcela Mendoza, Batangas, Philippines
Al Nudas, SJ, QC, Philippines
Pedro Oliveros, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
Rahma Oliveros, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
Nestor Labrador, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
Mr. Senga, Marikina, Philippines
Angel Abad, QC, Philippines
Fr. Robert Sullivan, SJ Massachutes, USA
Msg. George Tracey, Maine, USA
Fr. Richard Harvey, Maine, USA
Elmer William Gran, Nebraska, USA
Eva Marie Gran, Nebraska, USA
Sr. Eileen (Mary Ellen) Gran, Nebraska, USA
Carolyn Gran Holsinger, Nebraska, USA
Ronald Holsinger, Nebraska, USA
Dale Greenamyre, Kansas, USA
Glenn Shanks, Nebraska, USA
Robert Shanks, Nebraska, USA
Gladys Shanks, Nebraska, USA
Harold Shanks, Nebraska, USA
Maxine Preskorn, Colorado, USA
John Preskorn, Nebraska, USA
Merton Robert McLaughlin, Iowa, USA
Helen Kozak, Nebraska, USA
Augusta McLaughlin, Nebraska, USA
Emmett McLaughlin, Nebraska, USA
Ella Calvin, Nebraska, USA
John Calvin, Nebraska, USA
Walter Chatfield, Minnesota, USA
Myrtle Chatfield, Minnesota, USA
Gilbert Chatfield, Minnesota, USA
Vi Chatfield, Minnesota, USA
Paul Rothfusz, Iowa, USA
Richard Carson, Florida, USA
Clara Carson, Florida, USA
Carl Bergman, Georgia, USA
Linda C. Salientes, Metro Manila, Philippines
Kamilus Kamil Taufik Mulia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Maria Magdalena Nani Kadarsi, Jakarta, Indonesia
Maria Magdalena Sunarti, Jakarta, Indonesia
Kam Bok San, Jakarta, Indonesia
Agustinus Gunawan Gomulia, Garut, Indonesia
Frances McGrogan, N.J. - USA
Joan Meyer, N.J. - USA
William Ring, N.J. - USA
Erasmus Tervaportti, Helsinki, Finland
Giuseppe and Maria Becciolini, Firenze, Italy
Luigi and Sara Daddi, Firenze, Italy
Burgassi Massimo, Firenze, Italy
Arnaldo and Maria Salzano, Napoli, Italy
Vittore and Concetta Tersini, Salerno, Italy
Lewis and Dorothy Prai
Vince and Virginia Schoeneberger
William Addison and Gladys Mattox
William Addison Mattox, Jr.
The Schoeneberger family
The Zimmer family
Mr Paul Charles Matejcik, Iowa, USA
Mrs Matilda Matejcik, Michigan, USA
Mr Edward Matejcik, Michigan, USA
Mr Joseph Matejcik, Michigan, USA
Mr Frank Francis Endres, Michigan, USA
Mrs Gertrude Endres, Michigan, USA
Mrs Winnie Tarrents, Michigan, USA
Mrs Ruth Barry, Michigan, USA
The Matejcik Family, Michigan, USA
The Janacek Family, Michigan, USA
The Endres Family, Michigan, USA
The Biddle Family, Indiana, USA
Bernadine Family PA, USA
Waters Family PA, USA
Campbell Family PA, USA
Miller Family PA, USA
Hubert Family PA, USA
Frank Creel, Virginia, USA
Edwin and Mary Huber, Washington, USA
Frank and Rose Phipps, Washington, USA
Jacob and Hattie Huber, Washington, USA
Albert and Rena Sevigny, Massachusetts, USA
Harold and Mary Payne, Massachusetts, USA
Richard Sevigny, Illinois, USA
Floris Smith, Maryland, USA
Eileen Sevigny, Massachusetts, USA
Hiram and Bernice Foster, Virginia, USA
Carl and Helen Huber, Oregon, USA
Jake and Florence Huber, Oregon, USA
Walter and Verna Huber, Washington, USA
Frank and Leora Huber, Washington, USA
Josephine Giannelli, Connecticut, USA
Tomy and Lois Mary Blick, Washington, USA
Richard Taylor, New Jersey, USA
James Leith, Washington, USA
James Devine, Washington, USA
John Schaefer, California, USA
Brian Reyna, Virginia, USA
Thomas Louis Pierson, Michigan, USA
Bernice Catherine Pierson, Michigan, USA
James Patrick Pierson, Washington, USA
The Burns Family, Michigan, USA
The Lalonde Family, Michigan, USA
Sr. Alice Miller, I.H.M., Michigan, USA
Veronica Palmer, Hartlepool, England
John Palmer, Hartlepool, England
John Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Miriam Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Kenneth Tierney, Hartlepool, England
George Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Patrick Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Patrick Lancelot Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Eleanor Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Sybil Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Stephen Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Edna Tierney, Hartlepool, England
Jane Dalton, Hartlepool, England
Thomas Dalton, Hartlepool, England
Lillian Dixon, Hartlepool, England
Thomas Dixon, Hartlepool, England
Wilfred Cook, Surrey, England
Paula Cook, Surrey, England
Bill and Dorothy Grant, Livingston, Scotland
John Maxwell, Livingston, Scotland
Grogan Family, Dumbarton, Scotland
McLean family, Dumbarton, Scotland
Adrian Sison, Metro Manila, Philippines
uno Bonugli, United States
Assunta Bonugli, United States
Sam Testaguzzi, United States
Gelse Medici, Argentina
Vicente Medici, Argentina
The Medici family, Argentina
The Wooden family, United States and Ireland
Reflections on the Traditional Mass
by the Archbishop of the U.S. Military Ordinariate
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: These words fell from the lips of the Immaculata herself. Hence, they must tell us, in the most precise and essential manner, who she really is.
Since human words are incapable of expressing Divine realities, it follows that these words, "Immaculate" and "Conception", must be understood in a much more profound, much more beautiful and sublime meaning than usual: a meaning beyond that which human reason at its most penetrating commonly gives to them.
Who then are you, O Immaculate Conception?
Not God, of course, because He has no beginning. Not an angel, created directly out of nothing. Not Adam, formed out of the dust of the earth. Not Eve, molded from Adam's rib. Not the Incarnate Word, Who exists before all ages, and of Whom we should use the word "conceived" rather than "conception."
Humans do not exist before their conception, so we might call them created "conceptions." But you, O Mary, are different from all other children of Eve. They are conceptions stained by Original Sin; whereas you are the unique, Immaculate, Conception.
Everything which exists, outside of God Himself, since it is from God and depends on Him in every way, bears within itself some semblance to its Creator; there is nothing in any creature which does not betray this resemblance, because every created thing is an effect of the Primal Cause.
Who is the Father? What is His personal life like? It consists in begetting, eternally, because He begets His Son from the beginning and forever.
Who is the Son? He is the Begotten-One, because from the beginning, and for all eternity, He is begotten by the Father.
And Who is the Holy Spirit? The flowering of the love of the Father and the Son. If the fruit of what is created is a created conception, then the fruit of Divine love, that prototype of all created love, is necessarily a Divine "conception." The Holy Spirit is, therefore, the "uncreated, eternal conception," the prototype of all the conceptions that multiply life throughout the whole universe.
The Father begets; the Son is begotten; the Spirit is the "conception" that springs from their love; there we have the intimate life of the Three Persons by which They can be distinguished from one another. But They are united in the Oneness of Their Nature, of Their Divine existence. The Spirit is, then, this thrice holy "conception," this infinitely holy Immaculate Conception.
The creature most completely filled with this love, filled with God Himself, was the Immaculata, who never contacted the slightest stain of sin, who never departed in the least from God's will. United to the Holy Spirit as His spouse, she is one with God in an incomparably more perfect way than can be predicated of any other creature.
What sort of Union is this? It is above all an interior union, a union of her essence with the "essence" of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in her; lives in her. This was true from the first instance of her existence. It was always true and it will always be true.
And in what does this life of the Spirit in Mary consist? He Himself is uncreated Love in her; the Love of the Father and of the Son, the Love by which God loves Himself, the very love of the Most Holy Trinity. She is a fruitful Love, a "Conception." Among creatures made in God's image, the union brought about by married love is the most intimate of all. In a much more precise, more interior, more essential manner, the Holy Spirit lives in the soul of the Immaculata, in the depths of her very being. He makes her fruitful, from the very first instance of her existence, all during her life, and for all eternity.
This eternal "Immaculate Conception" [the Holy Spirit] produces in an immaculate manner Divine life itself in the womb or depths of Mary's soul, making her the Immaculate Conception, the human Immaculate Conception. And the virginal womb of Mary's body is kept sacred for Him; there He conceives in time the human life of the Man-God.
... [S]he, the Immaculata, grafted into the Love of the Blessed Trinity, becomes, from the first moment of her existence and forever afterwards, the "complement of the Blessed Trinity." In the Holy Spirit's union with Mary we observe more than the love of two beings... . ... in this union, Heaven and Earth are joined; all of Heaven with the Earth, the totality of eternal love with the totality of created love. It is truly the summit of love.
Recess for several days; updates will probably be scarce till mid-December.