“Christ and Christ alone is the Savior of all men”: The significance of Francis’s participation in the Indian pagan ritual
American Traditional Catholics: It's Time for Sustained Weekly Protests in Front of the Vatican Embassy in Washington
Soon after the promulgation of "Traditionis custodes", the illegitimate motu proprio promoting the cultural genocide of Traditional Catholics, in July 2021, Traditional Catholics in France, almost always in small numbers, but always faithfully and constantly, started to stage protests every Saturday in defense of the Traditional Mass and our rights as Catholic faithful, in front of the Apostolic Nunciature (the "Vatican Embassy") in Paris. They are still going on, in hot summer as well as in frigid winter.
We thought this was the right idea: prayer along with defiance and showing our presence. As we pray in front of abortion clinics, we also pray in front of the representatives of our ecclesiastical persecutors. We suggested to several U.S. Catholics that this was the right move to do: week in and week out, show to Francis' representative in the United States that we exist and that we will never back down. Others thought this would be a provocation, and that the response of American bishops to Traditionis custodes showed they didn't want to pursue our persecution.
Segregation is restored in the Diocese of Arlington
The commonwealth of Virginia used to be a state where segregation was law, and harsh penalties were inflicted upon persecuted human beings who dared mix with the majority. That cruel policy was restored today, not based on race this time, but based on which Mass you attend. And far from a Southern Democrat inflicting such horrible policy, the segregation was announced today by the bishop of the Diocese of Arlington, Michael Burbidge.
Effective September 8, 2022, the current 21 locations where the traditional Latin Mass is currently offered (in a diocese of 70 parishes) will be largely suppressed, and eight locations will be permitted. Three of them are fortunate enough to have the TLM in the parish church, albeit with restrictions and expected indoctrination. But the other five will be in gymnasiums and other places separated from a main parish church.
Yet another Washington Post article on the DC Latin Massacre
If you are a liberal archbishop of a prominent archdiocese, the last thing you probably want to see is the liberal newspaper in your city run three pieces in the last few weeks on your DC Latin Massacre. Especially when all of the media coverage shows clear sympathy toward practicing Catholics being evicted from their parishes.
Today's Washington Post has an article by a reporter, William Wan, who visited Saint Mary Mother of God parish in DC yesterday morning. Planning his article on Friday and doing the necessary research on the issue that afternoon, his trip to Saint Mary's -- to actually talk with TLM parishioners -- was something DC Cardinal Wilton Gregory refused to do himself. Wan spoke with about a dozen communicants before and after the 9 a.m. traditional Latin Mass. His article shows the sincere reactions of several parishioners to Cardinal Gregory's decree suppressing TLMs at parishes effective in less than two months.
The article published today in the Washington Post follows pieces in the same publication here and here.
Washington Post coverage of DC Latin Mass ban
The Massacre this morning in Washington, DC, has led to a news article in the Washington Post, complete with a photo of a smug Cardinal Gregory.
One can assume the cardinal did not expect this issue to land in the Post twice in the last three weeks.
Catholics Archdiocese of Washington to ban Latin Mass in parishes
Persecution in DC: One Young Catholic’s Journey in the Faith, and His (Now Eliminated) Parish Mass
Archdiocese of Washington Suppresses All Parish Latin Masses
Cardinal Wilton Gregory, archbishop of Washington (DC), issued a decree today suppressing every traditional Latin Mass offered at parishes in the Archdiocese of Washington. There are currently seven public TLMs on Sundays around the archdiocese, plus numerous private Masses, plus weekday and holy day Masses. Nearly 20 priests -- archdiocesan, religious and extern -- offer TLMs in the Archdiocese of Washington. TLMs, except on days like Easter, the Triduum, Christmas and Pentecost (when they will be completely banned!) will be permitted at three non-parish locations; one in DC and two in Maryland. No other traditional sacraments, from nuptials to baptisms to extreme unction, are allowed. No weekday Masses are permitted.
The action has been in the works since Lent. In fact, almost nothing has changed since the cardinal's original proposal before Easter -- despite dozens of letters to him, pleas from priests and laity, and alternatives presented by chancery officials and other clergy. He was presented a no-brainer solution to designate Saint Mary Mother of God parish, which does not have territorial boundaries, into the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal. The pastor of the church even offered to be the chaplain, giving up his pastor title and privileges. The cardinal rejected the offer. The shrine status would have maintained the TLM at Saint Mary's under this draconian decree.
Archdiocesan priests who do not even celebrate public TLMs -- several of them! -- met with the cardinal to beg him to reconsider, as they saw this as an injustice toward practicing, faithful Catholics. The cardinal held a sham of a synodal discussion and had TLM communicants tell their stories, from nuptial Masses to their work in parishes. One has to wonder what the point was in all that; the draft proposal back in Lent, to suppress all TLMs at archdiocesan parishes, was nearly identical to the one issued today. So much for dialogue. It is almost as if the whole thing was a game, where the cardinal laughed at groveling traditional Catholics while he continued to protect Holy Trinity, the Jesuit parish in Georgetown -- a church that relishes its role as a sanctuary of heresy.
Jesuit Pope Downgrades Opus Dei
It’s quite obvious that Opus Dei was founded as a 20th-Century revival of the Jesuits, also by a northern Spaniard. Which is one of the reasons Jesuits never really got over the establishment of Opus Dei as a “Personal Prelature” headed by a Prelate (of episcopal rank) by John Paul II.
80th Anniversary of the
Pastoral Letter of the Bishops of the Netherlands
on the deportation of the Jewish population
“To go back is to go forward, to be propelled by the river of the great Tradition”: Archbishop Aguer against Papal Progressivism
A Mass celebrated in a village in Upper Bavaria would appear very different from a solemn Mass in a French cathedral, and this in turn from a Mass in a parish in southern Italy, or in a mountain village in the Andes, and so on. The ornamentation and the arrangement of the altar, as well as of the whole Church, the liturgical service, the way of singing and praying, all this gave the liturgy a particular physiognomy, so that one felt completely 'at home' in it. And yet it could be experienced everywhere as one and the same, thus perceiving the great community of the Faith. The unity of the rite gives the real experience of the communio; where this is respected and at the same time encouraged, there is no contrast between multiplicity and unity.
Sophia Institute Press releases new deluxe hardcover edition of the Catechism of Trent, along with catechisms by Aquinas, Pius X, and others
Savannah Bishop announces end of Latin Masses, cowardly blaming the Vatican
"The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Savannah was the first Cathedral in the US to have a TLM starting in December of 2007. After almost 15 years we are being moved out of Cathedral and all of the Masses in the diocese (three monthly Masses in addition to the weekly Savannah Mass) will be shuttered as of May 2023, as per the orders of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments."
Rorate Exclusive: Interview with Dom Alcuin Reid on his ordination, his community, the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, and Desiderio Desideravi
“Ecclesial Communion Is Not Something Decreed: The Vain Attempt of the Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi”
Pope Francis and the Death of the "Spirit" of Vatican II
No other Ecumenical Council in the history of the Church has been declared to have a “Spirit” of its own. There is no “Spirit” of Nicaea, nor of Lateran II nor of Vatican I. The “Spirit” of Vatican II was invented and validated by theologians, liturgists and clergy who believed, or at least proclaimed, that the actual text of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council was merely a jumping off place to begin a radical re-understanding of the Catholic faith and practice to fit the needs of “modern man”.
The 2022 “Ars Celebrandi” liturgical workshops - 9th Edition, in Licheń, Poland (with pictures)
At the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland in Licheń, the ninth edition of the “Ars Celebrandi” liturgical workshops was held from 7 to 14 July. One hundred and eighty people from Poland and abroad prayed together at Holy Masses and sung breviary hours, listened to retreat sermons and learned various skills needed to celebrate the Holy Mass in the older form of the Roman Rite.
Learn Latin: Online and Offline options this Summer
“The classical Roman rite is neither dead nor threatened in its existence; rather, only the axis is shifting” — Article by Regina Einig
The Council and the Eclipse of God – Don Pietro Leone – Chapter 9 - A) METAPHYSICAL ANALYSIS (part 1) - 100 Metaphysical Errors of the Council
Having now finished the work of analysis on individual texts, Don Leone embarks on part III of the book with a synthesis of the conclusions already drawn, from the point of view first of Metaphysics, then of Theology and lastly of Morality. In the Metaphysical section, he classifies the Council’s errors according to offences against 10 basic metaphysical principles and provides over 100 examples thereof. We offer below a first section of this study – as incontrovertible as it is terrifying. F.R.
Part 3
Chapter 9
"¡Hagan lío!," continued: Pontifical Academy "for Life" tries to find ways to approve contraception and assisted fertilization
On the 15th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum: “What we oppose to Traditionis custodes is not ‘non possumus’ but ‘non licet’: it is not permitted!” — Jean Madiran in defense of traditionalism

—a slap in the face to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, whose letter and spirit of the motu proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007 taught and decreed almost the opposite of this unjust and accusatory text;
The amorphous “Roman rite” and the authentic Roman Rite: A keen analysis by Michael Charlier
Guest article: “The Old Liturgy and the New Despisers of the Council”
Further thoughts on “inculturation”: Why ignore the liturgy that sustained the evangelization of the entire globe?
Pope presides over Zairean rite "marked by drum music, dancing, shouts of jubilation" — and the Traditional Latin Mass is to be abolished?
American Independence Day: Locke, Jefferson, Roe v. Wade and the Catholic Church
A dear friend sent me an email with a YouTube recording for the Fourth of July. It was that of Irving Berlin on the Ed Sullivan show singing God Bless America backed up by a Boy Scouts choir. My first reaction was to delete this on the basis of sentimental kitsch that would clog my arteries. But I did listen to it. Some of my readers of a certain age may have never heard of the song, "God Bless America", nor of Irving Berlin nor Ed Sullivan.
Abbé Janvier Gbénou's Response to Pope Francis: "You have scandalised the whole world several times by contradicting Christian Tradition"
Traditionalist publishing renaissance (6): Cluny Media's enormous commitment to republishing old classics
Today I feature Cluny Media, "a Rhode Island-based publishing house dedicated to promoting the Catholic tradition and supporting evangelization with great books that speak of truth, goodness, and beauty."