SSPX weighs in on the condom controversy
Cardinal Bartolucci to offer Pontifical Mass
You Report: Monthly TLM in South Korea
St. Justin Martyr's Zeal for the Conversion of the Jews
And Trypho said, “Sir, it were good for us if we obeyed our teachers, who laid down a law that we should have no intercourse with any of you, and that we should not have even any communication with you on these questions. For you utter many blasphemies, in that you seek to persuade us that this crucified man was with Moses and Aaron, and spoke to them in the pillar of the cloud; then that he became man, was crucified, and ascended up to heaven, and comes again to earth, and ought to be worshipped.”
Then I answered, “I know that, as the word of God says, this great wisdom of God, the Maker of all things, and the Almighty, is hid from you. Wherefore, in sympathy with you, I am striving to the utmost that you may understand these matters which to you are paradoxical; but if not, that I myself may be innocent in the day of judgment. For you shall hear other words which appear still more paradoxical; but be not confounded, nay, rather remain still more zealous hearers and investigators, despising the tradition of your teachers, since they are convicted by the Holy Spirit of inability to perceive the truths taught by God, and of preferring to teach their own doctrines. Accordingly, in the forty-fourth [forty-fifth] Psalm, these words are in like manner referred to Christ: ‘My heart has brought forth a good matter; I tell my works to the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Fairer in beauty than the sons of men: grace is poured forth into Thy lips: therefore hath God blessed Thee for ever. Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O mighty One. Press on in Thy fairness and in Thy beauty, and prosper and reign, because of truth, and of meekness, and of righteousness: and Thy right hand shall instruct Thee marvellously. Thine arrows are sharpened, O mighty One; the people shall fall under Thee; in the heart of the enemies of the King [the arrows are fixed]. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of equity is the sceptre of Thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hast hated iniquity; therefore thy God hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows. Chapter 37
“Now it is not surprising,” I continued, “that you hate us who hold these opinions, and convict you of a continual hardness of heart. For indeed Elijah, conversing with God concerning you, speaks thus: ‘Lord, they have slain Thy prophets, and digged down Thine altars: and I am left alone, and they seek my life.’ And He answers him: ‘I have still seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.’ Therefore, just as God did not inflict His anger on account of those seven thousand men, even so He has now neither yet inflicted judgment, nor does inflict it, knowing that daily some [of you] are becoming disciples in the name of Christ, and quitting the path of error; who are also receiving gifts, each as he is worthy, illumined through the name of this Christ. For one receives the spirit of understanding, another of counsel, another of strength, another of healing, another of foreknowledge, another of teaching, and another of the fear of God.” Chapter 39
“For my part,” I replied, “if I had remained, I would have wished to do the same thing daily. But now, since I expect, with God’s will and aid, to set sail, I exhort you to give all diligence in this very great struggle for your own salvation, and to be earnest in setting a higher value on the Christ of the Almighty God than on your own teachers.”
After this they left me, wishing me safety in my voyage, and from every misfortune. And I, praying for them, said, “I can wish no better thing for you, sirs, than this, that, recognising in this way that intelligence is given to every man, you may be of the same opinion as ourselves, and believe that Jesus is the Christ of God. Chapter 142
From the online Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Event: additional Mass in San Francisco
Today, November, 28, 2010, will be the first time of a monthly T.L.M. at the Carmelite Cristo Rey Monastery. The Monastery will have a Mass each month, every fourth Sunday of the month. Father (or Canon) Jean-Marie Moreau, of the Institute of Christ the King, will say the Mass (this is especially fitting, given the name of the monastery, that the Mass will be celebrated by a member of the ICKSP). The address of the monastery is721 Parker Avenue San Francisco, CA 94118-4227The monastery is right across the street from a prominent San Francisco Church, St. Ignatius, right near the campus of the University of San Francisco. This is the Sunday Mass said in the Archdiocese. Each Sunday Fr. William Young says Mass (12:30 PM) at Most Holy Rosary chapel, in Marinwood, across the Golden Gate Bridge. Every first Sunday the same Fr. Young says Mass at Mater Dolorosa Church, 5:30 P.M., in South San Francisco, and every second Sunday, at St. Finn Barr's, 5:30 PM, in San Francisco proper. This Mass will be the second Mass within the actual City, and we are very proud and happy. Fr. Young can also be contacted about his daily private Mass.
A new human being, from conception

Believing in Jesus Christ also means having a new outlook on man, a look of trust and hope. Moreover, experience itself and reason show that the human being is a subject capable of discernment, self-conscious and free, unique and irreplaceable, the summit of all earthly things, that must be recognized in his innate value and always accepted with respect and love. He has the right not to be treated as an object of possession or something to manipulate at will, not to be reduced to a mere instrument for the benefit of others and their interests. The human being is a good in and of himself and his integral development should always be sought. Love for all, if it is sincere, naturally tends to become a preferential attention to the weakest and poorest. In this vein we find the Church's concern for the unborn, the most fragile, the most threatened by the selfishness of adults and the darkening of consciences. The Church continually reiterates what was declared by the Second Vatican Council against abortion and all violations of unborn life: 'from the moment of its conception life must be guarded with the greatest care'.... With regard to the embryo in the womb, science itself highlights its autonomy capable of interaction with the mother, the coordination of biological processes, the continuity of development, the growing complexity of the organism. This is not an accumulation of biological material, but a new living being, dynamic and wonderfully ordered, a new unique human being. So was Jesus in Mary's womb, so it was for all of us in our mother’s womb…there is no reason not to consider him a person from conception.
From the Papal Magisterium of Ven. Pius XII
29. And first of all, by the death of our Redeemer, the New Testament took the place of the Old Law which had been abolished; then the Law of Christ together with its mysteries, enactments, institutions, and sacred rites was ratified for the whole world in the blood of Jesus Christ. For, while our Divine Savior was preaching in a restricted area - He was not sent but to the sheep that were lost of the House of Israel [30] - the Law and the Gospel were together in force; [31] but on the gibbet of His death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees [32] fastened the handwriting of the Old Testament to the Cross, [33] establishing the New Testament in His blood shed for the whole human race.[34] "To such an extent, then," says St. Leo the Great, speaking of the Cross of our Lord, "was there effected a transfer from the Law to the Gospel, from the Synagogue to the Church, from the many sacrifices to one Victim, that, as Our Lord expired, that mystical veil which shut off the innermost part of the temple and its sacred secret was rent violently from top to bottom." [35]
30. On the Cross then the Old Law died, soon to be buried and to be a bearer of death, [36] in order to give way to the New Testament of which Christ had chosen the Apostles as qualified ministers; [37] and although He had been constituted the Head of the whole human family in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, it is by the power of the Cross that our Savior exercises fully the office itself of Head of His Church. "For it was through His triumph on the Cross," according to the teaching of the Angelic and Common Doctor, "that He won power and dominion over the gentiles";[38] by that same victory He increased the immense treasure of graces, which, as He reigns in glory in heaven, He lavishes continually on His mortal members; it was by His blood shed on the Cross that God's anger was averted and that all the heavenly gifts, especially the spiritual graces of the New and Eternal Testament, could then flow from the fountains of our Savior for the salvation of men, of the faithful above all; it was on the tree of the Cross, finally, that He entered into possession of His Church, that is, of all the members of His Mystical Body; for they would not have been untied to this Mystical Body through the waters of Baptism except by the salutary virtue of the Cross, by which they had been already brought under the complete sway of Christ.
31. But if our Savior, by His death, became, in the full and complete sense of the word, the Head of the Church, it was likewise through His blood that the Church was enriched with the fullest communication of the Holy Spirit, through which, from the time when the Son of Man was lifted up and glorified on the Cross by His sufferings, she is divinely illumined. For then, as Augustine notes, [39] with the rending of the veil of the temple it happened that the dew of the Paraclete's gifts, which heretofore had descended only on the fleece, that is on the people of Israel, fell copiously and abundantly (while the fleece remained dry and deserted) on the whole earth, that is on the Catholic Church, which is confined by no boundaries of race or territory.
29. Ambrose, In Luc, II, 87: Migne, P.L., XV, 1585.
30. Cf. Matth., XV, 24.
31. Cf. St. Thos., I-II, q. 103, a. 3, ad 2.
32. Cf. Eph., II, 15.
33. Cf. Col., II, 14.
34. Cf. Matth., XXVI, 28; I Cor., XI, 25.
35. Leo the Great, Serm., LXVIII, 3: Migne, P.L. LIV, 374.
36. Jerome and Augustine, Epist. CXII, 14 and CXVI, 16: Migne, P.L., XXII, 924 and 943; St. Thos., I-II, q. 103, a. 3, ad 2; a. 4; ad 1; Council of Flor. pro Jacob.: Mansi, XXXI, 1738.
37. Cf. II Cor., III, 6.
38. Cf. St. Thos. III, q. 42, a. 1.
39. Cf. De pecc. orig., XXV, 29: Migne, P.L., XLIV, 400.
Advent is coming! - 2

Missing him

Question for our readers
Advent is coming! - 1
The Rosary: breaking down barriers
The Ouellet batch of bishops
Felix Gmür: sexuality is primarily a matter of conscience of each individualThe new Bishop of Basel on celibacy: "The church must consider whether this must necessarily be the rule. I do not think so - even though celibacy is the correct way of life for me."
Basel (
Felix Gmür, the newly-appointed Bishop of Basel, welcomes in a recent interview with Tagesanzeiger the (alleged) relaxation of the condom ban by the Pope and declares, "Sexuality is primarily a matter of the conscience of every human being. I welcome what the Pope said. ... ."
When asked whether now that he is in the diocese of Basel he would follow the line of Rome, Gmür then says, "It is not the message of the line of Rome, but [the message of] the line of the Bible that we have to proclaim, and that is the message of Jesus Christ. ... In the diocese of Basel, there is a lot of freedom within [the Church] structure." [Full article in German; tip: Papa Ratzinger blog]
"Unfortunately Bp. Williamson does not have any sort of international web page for this sort of announcement, so I am making it here. I am making this public statement having requested Bp. Williamson's permission to do so. I received same directly from the bishop (contrary to all the rumour and innuendo out there) and is as close to an official pronouncement as is likely forthcoming. I am making this statement for the sole purpose of trying to clarify the situation.
"Let it be known that Bp. Williamson will NOT be using the services of the lawyer mentioned in Fr. Thouvenot's communiqué of 20 November 2010." (Source.)

Just a reminder or, for some new to tradition, a wonderful heads up, that there is no required abstinence from meat this Friday.
While always a topic of great discussion, it is a fact that Pope Pius XII granted Americans a dispensation from their Friday abstinence, so that they may enjoy turkey the Friday after Thanksgiving. I say "enjoy" turkey because that is truly the only reason he would have granted it -- the arguments over refrigeration and whether meat would spoil are rather silly since wide-spread, in-home refrigeration (as well as cable TV) actually did exist in the 1950s.
So eat your turkey sandwiches this Friday and give great thanks to a merciful God for all that we have to be thankful for. And, while you're at it, thank and pray for Pope Pius XII before you dive into that turkey, that he may be canonized a saint soon.
Also, there will be no posting of souls for the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society this week. All souls sent in will be posted next week.
A reminder on how to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "name, state, country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Rome, Italy". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
And please remember to follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter.
Clarification document soon?
Overlooked in the fray: the Pope on Judaism and the prayer for Jews
A Vatican II Moment: the "Pre-Party Mass"
The pre-party masses are the mass of the Roman Ritual [sic] which all of us Roman Apostolic Catholics celebrate. It is just celebrated with certain symbols, dances, for young people... [sic]No one needs to be scandalized by this... [sic]God bless you!!Abp. Anuar Battisti
RORATE exclusive: Williamson dismisses controversial lawyer
Ordinariate in England and Wales: January 2011

In collaboration with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in Rome, the Bishops of England and Wales have been preparing for the establishment of an Ordinariate early in January 2011. Although there may be practical difficulties in the months ahead, the Bishops are working to address these at a national and local level.Five Anglican Bishops who currently intend to enter the Ordinariate have already announced their decision to resign from pastoral ministry in the Church of England with effect from 31 December 2010. They will enter into full communion with the Catholic Church early in January 2011. During the same month, it is expected that the Decree establishing the Ordinariate will be issued and the name of the Ordinary to be appointed announced. Soon afterwards, those non-retired former Anglican Bishops whose petitions to be ordained are accepted by the CDF, will be ordained to the Catholic Diaconate and Priesthood for service in the Ordinariate.It is expected that the retired former Anglican Bishops whose petitions to be ordained are accepted by the CDF, will be ordained to the Catholic Diaconate and Priesthood prior to Lent. This will enable them, together with the Ordinary and the other former Anglican Bishops, to assist with the preparation and reception of former Anglican clergy and their faithful into full communion with the Catholic Church during Holy Week.Before the beginning of Lent, those Anglican clergy with groups of faithful who have decided to enter the Ordinariate will then begin a period of intense formation for ordination as Catholic priests.At the beginning of Lent, the groups of faithful together with their pastors will be enrolled as candidates for the Ordinariate. Then, at a date to be agreed between the Ordinary and the local diocesan Bishop, they will be received into the Catholic Church and confirmed. This will probably take place either during Holy Week, at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday or during the Easter Vigil. The period of formation for the faithful and their pastors will continue to Pentecost. Until then, these communities will be cared for sacramentally by local clergy as arranged by the diocesan Bishop and the Ordinary.Around Pentecost, those former Anglican priests whose petitions for ordination have been accepted by the CDF will be ordained to the Catholic Priesthood. Ordination to the Diaconate will precede this at some point during Eastertide. Formation in Catholic theology and pastoral practice will continue for an appropriate amount of time after ordination.In responding generously and offering a warm welcome to those seeking full ecclesial communion with the Catholic Church within the Ordinariate, the Bishops know that the clergy and faithful who are on that journey of faith will bring their own spiritual treasures which will further enrich the spiritual life of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The Bishops will do all they can to ensure that there is effective and close collaboration with the Ordinariate both at diocesan and parish levels.Finally, with the blessings and encouragement they have received from Pope Benedict’s recent Visit, the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales are resolved to continue their dialogue with other Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities on that journey towards the communion in faith and the fullness of unity for which Christ prayed.
The Pope's latest words on ecumenism
Roamin' Catholic
Below, please find the eighth posting of enrolled souls of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society. It's another long list this week.
Please pray for these souls with a prayer provided below as well as for the 11 holy priests who are praying the Traditional Latin Mass either weekly or monthly for the success of the Society and the repose of the enrolled souls.
A reminder on how to enroll souls: please email me at my address found in my profile on the right and submit as follows: "name, state, country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Rome, Italy". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Also, if you run a blog or website, please consider letting your readers know about the Society as well by posting a link or short write-up. God knows there aren't enough people praying for these souls -- let's all join together and get the word out.
Please pray for the enrolled souls and the holy priests of the Society:
"For all the souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful departed rest in peace. Amen."
Then ...
Eternal God,
please bless our priests,
who are selflessly saying Masses for this Society.
Make them more greatly aware of the grace
that You pour out through them
when they minister the sacraments,
and help them to fall more deeply in love with You
after each and every Mass that they celebrate.
Please strengthen our priests,
who shepherd Your flock,
when they are in doubt of their faith,
that they may be examples of Your Truth
and guide us always on the path to You.
We ask these things of You, our Eternal Priest.
A reminder: The list below shows only the souls enrolled this past week -- not all of the souls enrolled since the beginning. If you enrolled a soul once, there is no need to enroll him again.
Joyce Jones, Farnworth, Lancashire, UK
Wilfred Jones, Farnworth, Lancashire, UK
Teresa Warburton, Farnworth, UK
Albert Booth Warburton, Farnworth, UK
Lisa Joseph,Kerala, India
E J Joseph, Kerala, India
Chacko, Kerala, India
Girish Paul, Kerala, India
Agnes Sebastian, Kerala India
Bp Daniel, Kerala, India
Sr Lisia Kerala,India
Jordan Sugars, QLD Australia
Martha Walker, QLD,Australia
Colleen Lanzon, QLD, Australia
Michael Pierce, NSW,Australia
Fr John Drury SJ, QLD,Australia
Fr Nobert Olsen SJ, QLD, Australia
Ancestral Souls of C.T and C.L.
50,000 souls of priests in Purgatory
50,000 orphan souls in Purgatory
John Melvin O'Brien III, Tennessee, USA
Santiago and Norma Sarracino – New Mexico, USA
Matthew Sarracino – New Mexico, USA
Alvin Sarracino – New Mexico, USA
Alberta Sarracino – New Mexico, USA
Henry Lukee – New Mexico, USA
Juanita Lukee – New Mexico, USA
Xavier Farias – New Mexico, USA
Dax Heller – Texas, USA
Ryan Vaio – New Mexico, USA
Catherine Baca – New Mexico, USA
Sr. Charles Marie Coy, OSU – Kentucky, USA
Samuel Joseph Abraham, USA
Maria Paz Alhambra, Canada
Msgr. Moises Andrade, Philippines
Noli Fausto Anonas, Philippines
Fr. Francisco Araneta, Philippines
Jennifer Van Atta, USA
Joan Sutherland, Australia
Joseph Winternitz, Austria
Derek Beveridge, Canada
Diane Kroeskamp, Canada
Elvira Rikards, Canada
Evelyn Turner, Canada
Filomeno Apolinario, Canada
Gerry Puchalski, Canada
Gregorio Navarro, Canada
Leonardo Festin, Canada
Louis Bonner, Canada
Lucy Agcaoli, Canada
Margaret Cunha, Canada
Maria Soto, Canada
Mariano Venida, Canada
Martha Wourms, Canada
Maureen Forrester, Canada
Melvin Upton, Canada
Miguel Hernandez, Canada
Otto Krahnbel, Canada
Paulina Navarro, Canada
Peter Maxwell, Canada
Rose-Marie Landry, Canada
Sandy Sublay, Canada
Adolfo Lim, Philippines
Aling Aya, Philippines
Anastacio Quijano, Philippines
Andita Huenefeld, Philippines
Andy Maglalang, Philippines
Angela Fermin, Philippines
Anton Uy, Philippines
Antonio Heras, Philippines
Arsenio Mariano, Philippines
Ida F. Barretto, Philippines
Fr. Miguel Bernad, Philippines
Fr. Raul Bonoan, Philippines
Alan Aberbach, Canada
Ambrose Heidrich, Canada
Arnie Kroeskamp, Canada
Carl Winternitz, Canada
Cecilia Sothy, Canada
Charles Paqueo, Canada
David Akhurst, Canada
Delia Velasco, Canada
Asuncion Huang, Philippines
Augusto Barcelon, Philippines
Elena Cuyegkeng, Philippines
Elena Lagdameo, Philippines
Elias Fermin, Philippines
Emigdio Tanjuatco, Philippines
George Siy, Philippines
James Pouillon, Philippines
Vincent Huang, Canada
Virginia Venida, Canada
Zora Anderson, Canada
Fr. Miguel Casals, Philippines
Lorenzo del Castillo, Canada
Constante de Castro, USA
Bishop Francisco Claver, Philippines
Agnes Colette Condon, USA
Fr. James Donelan, Philippines
Fr. Joey Fermin, Philippines
Sr. Helen Fitton, USA
Fr. Joseph Galdon, Philippines
Fr. Victor Gallo, Canada
Vanya Joy Galos, Philippines
Fr. Thomas Green, Philippines
Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros, Philippines
Pedro Lopez III, Philippines
Sr. Mary Joseph, USA
Benigno Aquino Jr., Philippines
Ng Kim Kheng, Philippines
Christina Pineda Kinsky, USA
Sui Ching Lau, Canada
Maria Teresa Ledesma, Philippines
Fr. Santiago Leon, Philippines
Fr. Prudencio Macayan, Philippines
Fr. Rodolfo Malasmas, Philippines
Fr. Paul Marx, USA
Isaiah James May, Canada
Paul Cardinal Mayer
Fr. Gordon McKinnon, Canada
Fr. James McMahon, USA
Filomena T. Mullis, USA
Fr. Joseph Murray, USA
Joseph Chummy Ng, Philippines
Fr. Reynaldo Ocampo, Philippines
Ace Natividad, Philippines
Adita Perez, Philippines
Joel Barrios, Philippines
Josefa Perez, Philippines
Juan Javier, Philippines
Laura Milo, Philippines
Lila Balchand, Philippines
Lorenzo Perez, Philippines
Lourdes Sevilla, Philippines
Lydia Fermin, Philippines
Mae Yu, Philippines
Marguerite Echaus, Philippines
Mario Silva, Philippines
Maximo Cenir, Philippines
Maximo Forbes, Philippines
Michael Chow, Philippines
Miguel Romualdez, Philippines
Miguel Vasquez, Philippines
Milagros Redison, Philippines
Naty Siy, Philippines
Nelly Perez, Philippines
Pablo Siy, Philippines
Patrick Herlihy, Philippines
Peter Siy, Philippines
Renato Dantes, Philippines
Richard Chow, Philippines
Roberto Selorio, Philippines
Rose Cruz, Philippines
Saturnino Cruz, Philippines
Sergio Locsin, Philippines
Shirley Advincula, Philippines
Tabing Abelido, Philippines
Teddy Caguiat, Philippines
Vicente Chua, Philippines
Virginia Licuanan, Philippines
Ying Villanueva, Philippines
Fr. William Schmitt, Philippines
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, USA
Lao Mo Tai, China
Chiu Khi Tee, China
Fr. Felixberto Trinidad, Philippines
Fr. Cipriano Unson, Philippines
Alexander Haig, USA
Antonio Manuud, USA
Michael Davies, USA
Michael Dubruiel, USA
Michael Krawczun, USA
Norma Nievera, USA
Ralph McInerny, USA
Rena Krasno, USA
Rose Korzeniewski, USA
Ryan Barrett, USA
Shirley Verrett, USA
Thomas Dillon, USA
Tom Herndon, USA
William Long, USA
Lourdes Caringal Valencia, Philippines
Amparo de Villa, Philippines
Lech and Maria Kaczynski and companions, Poland
Alexis Tioseco and Nika Bohinc, Philippines
Otto and Diane Hajek, Canada
Ng Gee Ting, Hong Kong
Jayrizal Bautista, Philippines
Fr. Jose A. Cruz, Philippines
Jesus and Angela Singson, Philippines
Roberto A. Barretto Sr., Philippines
Ramon and Carmen Recto, Philippines
Leoncio Siy Cong Bieng, Philippines
Amparo Moreno de Jesus, Philippines
Juanito Vergel de Dios, Philippines
Sr. Rosario de Veyra, Philippines
Purita de los Angeles, Philippines
Naty del Rosario Lim, Philippines
Salvador and Victoria Araneta, Philippines
Pope John Paul II, Vatican City
Nieves Montemayor, Philippines
Carmen Infante, Philippines
Carmen Sison, Philippines
Cayo Emnas, Philippines
Clarinda Macasaet, Philippines
Conchita Murillo, Philippines
Cora Borromeo, Philippines
Corazon Aquino, Philippines
Corazon Musni, Philippines
Dely Caguiat, Philippines
Catherine Donelan, USA
Evaristo Nievera, USA
Felipe Calasanz, USA
Gerry Segovia, USA
Imogene Perry, USA
Jerry Sarte, USA
Jose Olasolo, USA
Kenneth Reuter, USA
Lawrence Dee, USA
Lori Pachler, USA
Lyle Ross, USA
Gunther Wilde, Canada
Henriette Magee, Canada
Herbert Quinn, Canada
Herbert Schwabb, Canada
Herbert Tam, Canada
James McLeod, Canada
Janine Lieu, Canada
John Colleran, Canada
Joseph Gerenscer, Canada
Joseph Kohlman, Canada
Kara Turton, Canada
Kasper Gedak, Canada
Kulendan Mayandy, Canada
Laurene Dirksen, Canada
Lavinia Stark, Canada
Helen Gianoni Erie, PA
Joyce Applegate Erie, PA
Gianoni/Applegate/Rodrigues/Barone/Duchini Families Erie, PA
William Ring - N.J. – USA
Josepth Ches, Minnesota, USA
Mary Ches, Minnesota, USA
Andrea Bloomquist, Minnesota, USA
Walter Bloomquist, Minnesota, USA
Walter Ches, Minnesota, USA
Beverly Ches, Minnesota, USA
Bennett Benson, Minnesota, USA
Joseph Benson, Minnesota, USA
James Benson, Minnesota, USA
Ruth Conway, Ohio, USA
Joseph Colombo - Fla. – USA
Hugo Gil Castela, Rhode Island, USA
The Portelli Family - USA & Italy
The Mastrogiovanni Family - USA & Italy
The Lobosco Family - USA & Italy
The Susino Family - USA & Italy
George Schroers - N.J. - USA
Frank X. Graves - N.J. - USA
Joel Blake - N.J. - USA
Mary Blake - N.J. - USA
Michael Corrigan - N.J. - USA
Robert Giannini - Pa. - USA
Raymond Tuscano - N.J. - USA
William McVeigh - N.J. - USA
Sam Sibilio - N.J. – USA
Carl Wiechkoske, Texas, USA
Otto Bergenske, Wisconsin, USA
Fr. Michael Yakaits, Archdiocese of Chicago
Bob Pulaski, Rochester, Michigan
Jozef Wydrzynski, Toronto, Canada
Edward and Maria Golab, Przemysl, Poland
William Anthony and Laura Murray Parr; London, England
Betty Harrex, Worthing, England
Trevor and Sheila Morse, Bognor Regis, England
Joseph and Georgina Mabel, London, England
Beverly Elt; Birmingham, England
The Wydrzynski Family; Poland
The Parr Family; England and Ireland
The Eke Family; England
The Very Rev'd Canon Austin Pozzi; Llandundo, Wales
Jozef and Marta Spyra; Toronto, Canada
Stanislaw and Ada Bulzak, Toronto, Canada
Zdzislaw Staron, Toronto, Canada
Eugene, Dybczak, Toronto, Canada
Patrick Collins, Toronto, Canada
Deceased members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul
bertha bosch overland park ks usa
john kern overland park ks usa
mary bosch kansas city mo usa
josephine shields kansas city ks usa
james shields kansas city ks usa
bill shields kansas city ks usa
john holtsclaw overland park ks usa
charlotte morton kansas city ks usa
billy morton kansas city ks usa
virgil defries bonner springs ks usa
nancy radford wellsville ks usa
dick radford wellsville ks usa
madeleine/johnny jamka kansas city mo usa
sophie kern overland park ks usa
robert/rosemary pyle overland park ks usa
Mr & Mrs Austin T. Welsh, Sr, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
John Arthur Aspinwall Deming NM
Frances S. Aspinwall Rochester NY
Edna L. Brennan Rochester NY
Bud and Agnes LeSchander Rochester NY
George B. LeSchande, Rochester NY
Benjamin Baldiga, Mendon, USA
Margaret Baldiga, Mendon, USA
Stephen Baldiga, Bellingham, USA
Rose Baldiga, Bellingham, USA
Lorraine James, New York, USA
And please remember to follow @RorateCaeli on Twitter.
Pope Benedict XVI: The Church is enjoying a "Eucharistic Springtime"!
I pray so that this Eucharistic "springtime" will spread increasingly in every parish, in particular in Belgium, the homeland of St. Juliana. The Venerable John Paul II, in the encyclical "Ecclesia de Eucharistia," said: "In many places, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is also an important daily practice and becomes an inexhaustible source of holiness. The devout participation of the faithful in the Eucharistic procession on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ is a grace from the Lord which yearly brings joy to those who take part in it. Other positive signs of Eucharistic faith and love might also be mentioned" (No. 10).
Dear friends, fidelity to the encounter with the Eucharistic Christ in Sunday's Holy Mass is essential for the journey of faith, but let us try as well to frequently go to visit the Lord present in the Tabernacle! Gazing in adoration at the consecrated Host, we discover the gift of the love of God, we discover the passion and the cross of Jesus, and also his Resurrection. Precisely through our gazing in adoration, the Lord draws us to himself, into his mystery, to transform us as he transforms the bread and wine. The saints always found strength, consolation and joy in the Eucharistic encounter. With the words of the Eucharistic hymn "Adoro te devote," let us repeat before the Lord, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament: "Make me believe ever more in You, that in You I may have hope, that I may love You!" Thank you.
Whether there really is a "Eucharistic springtime" going on in the Church is debatable, to say the least. On the other hand, this address -- which is but one of the Pope's many calls to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament -- should put to rest the accusation that Joseph Ratzinger does not believe in Eucharistic adoration.
A very interesting blog
And the "much-needed discussion" continues: Basile Valuet responds to Brunero Gherardini
The Benedictine also hints that he will be coming up with another article on La Nef specifically defending Vatican II's teaching on religious liberty from the criticisms of Msgr. Gherardini.
Giacomo Cardinal Biffi on the "Counterfeit Distillates of the Council"
Paul VI sincerely believed in Vatican Council II, and in its positive relevance for Christianity as a whole. He was one of its decisive protagonists, attentively following its work and discussions on a daily basis, helping it to overcome the recurrent difficulties in its path.
He expected that, by virtue of the joint effort of all the bishops together with the successor of Peter, a blessed age of increased vitality and of exceptional fecundity must immediately benefit and gladden the Church.
Instead, the "postcouncil," in many of its manifestations, concerned and disappointed him. So he revealed his distress with admirable candor; and the impassioned lucidity of his expressions struck all believers, or at least those whose vision had not been clouded over by ideology.
On June 29, 1972, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, speaking off the cuff, he went to the point of saying that he had "the sensation that through some fissure, the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God. There is doubt, uncertainty, trouble, disquiet, dissatisfaction, confrontation. The Church is not trusted . . . It was believed that after the Council there would be a day of sunshine for the history of the Church. What has come instead is a day of clouds, of darkness, of seeking, of uncertainty . . . We believe that something preternatural (the devil) has come into the world to disturb, to suffocate the fruits of the Ecumenical Council and to prevent the Church from bursting into a hymn of joy for having regained full awareness of itself." These are painful and severe words that deserve painstaking reflection.
How could it have happened that from the legitimate pronouncements and texts of Vatican II, a season followed that was so different and distant?
The question is complex, and the reasons are multiform; but without a doubt one influence was a process (so to speak) of aberrant "distillation," which from the authentic and binding conciliar "reality" extracted a completely heterogeneous mentality and linguistic form. This is a phenomenon that pops up here and there in the "postcouncil," and continues to advance itself more or less explicitly.
We can, in order to make ourselves understood, hazard to illustrate the schematic procedure of this curious "distillation."
The first phase lies in a discriminatory approach to the conciliar pronouncements, which distinguishes the accepted and usable texts from the inopportune or at least unusable ones, to be passed over in silence.
In the second phase what is acknowledged as the valuable teaching of the Council is not what it really formulated, but what the holy assembly would have produced if it had not been hampered by the presence of many backward fathers insensitive to the breath of the Spirit.
With the third phase, there is the insinuation that the true doctrine of the Council is not that which is canonically formulated and approved, but what would have been formulated and approved if the fathers had been more enlightened, more consistent, more courageous.
With such a theological and historical methodology – never expressed in such a clear fashion, but no less relentless for this reason – it is easy to imagine the results: what is adopted and exalted in an almost obsessive manner is not the Council that in fact was celebrated, but (so to speak) a "virtual Council"; a Council that has a place not in the history of the Church, but in the history of ecclesiastical imagination. Anyone who dares to dissent, however timidly, is branded with the infamous mark of "preconciliar," when he is not in fact numbered among the traditionalist rebels, or the despised fundamentalists.
And because the "counterfeit distillates" of the Council include the principle that by now there is no error that can be condemned in Catholicism, except for sinning against the primary duty of understanding and dialogue, it becomes difficult today for theologians and pastors to have the courage to denounce vigorously and tenaciously the toxins that are progressively poisoning the innocent people of God.