§ 1. A plenary indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, in a church or in an oratory, are present [take part] in a recitation or solemn chant of: ...
Plenary Indulgence reminders:
Te Deum on Dec. 31
Veni Creator on Jan. 1
Brazil: Statistics of a pastoral disaster
By Marco Tosatti
Nine million Catholics have left the Church in two years
Statistics of a pastoral disaster in Brazil: a survey
by Datafolha revealed that adults who declare themselves to be Catholic have
gone from 60% in 2014 to 50% in December 2016.
This means that in two years about nine million people
have decided to leave the Church.
A fact that is certainly disturbing; more so when you
consider that for the first time in history a Pontiff who comes from Latin
America sits on the throne of Peter.
Denzinger timeline of communion for adulterers in Church history and current pontificate
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Nathan rebukes King David for his Adultery (Eugène Siberdt) |
For the benefit of our readers, Mr. Andrew Guernsey has graciously shared with us his Denzinger-style research identifying the sources of Church teaching and perennial discipline, and exhaustively cataloguing the Bergoglian machinations, to allow communion for divorced and civilly “remarried” adulterers. In a nutshell, this is nearly every known utterance of the topic from the dawn of man, until our current, pathetic state of affairs.
The document starts with the Old Testament, then the New Testament, and then continues chronologically through the Fathers, popes, martyrs, councils and more upon which the Church bases its unchanging doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage and Her perennial mandate of excluding adulterers from Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Penance, except that they live in complete continence as brother and sister.
BECKET - "This is the sign of the Church always: The Sign of Blood."
KNIGHTS. Where is Becket, the traitor to the King?
Where is Becket, the meddling priest?
Come down Daniel to the lions' den,
Come down Daniel for the mark of the beast.
Saints of the Old Testament: St. David, king and prophet
"The Tree of Jesse"
St. David in a dream foresees his blessed offspring
St. David in a dream foresees his blessed offspring
From the frontispiece of the 15th century breviary of Philippe le Bon
MS 9511 - Royal Library of Belgium-Brussels
And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse,
and a flower shall rise up out of his root.
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:
the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding,
the spirit of counsel, and of fortitude,
the spirit of knowledge, and of godliness.
And he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
He shall not judge according to the sight of the eyes,
nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears.
But he shall judge the poor in righteousness,
and shall reprove with equity for the meek of the earth:
and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth,
and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins:
and faith the girdle of his reins . . .
In that day the root of Jesse, who standeth for an ensign of the people,
him shall the Gentiles beseech,
and his sepulchre shall be glorious.
(Isaias 11:1-10)
And one of the presbyters said to me: Weep not; behold, the lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
(Apocalypse 5:5)
Children: A new position paper
Saints of the Old Testament: The Holy Innocents of Bethlehem, martyrs
Triumph of the Innocents
William Holman Hunt, 1883-4
Today, the 4th day of Christmas, the Church celebrates the heavenly birthday of the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem, whom wicked King Herod, seeking to destroy the long-awaited Messiah, slew in the first or second year of the Christian Era.
De Mattei - The Pope and Malta: A bogus commissioning
Robert de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
December 24, 2016
Has the Pope appointed an external commissioner to the
Order of Malta? Pope Francis undeniably likes the strategy of appointing
external commissioners as he has already adopted this draconian measure against
two religious communities considered too “traditional”: the Franciscans of the
Immaculate and the religious of the Incarnate Word. Further, it is not by chance that the
announcement of a commission to “gather suitable elements to inform the Holy
See thoroughly and swiftly with regard to the matter which has recently
involved the Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta, Mr. Albrecht Freiherr von
Boeselager”, was given by the Vatican
Press Office on December 22nd, precisely while Pope Bergoglio was
transforming his traditional Christmas greetings to the Curia into a bitter chiding
against those who are resistant to his project of radical change in the Church,
with implicit reference to Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Patron of the Order of
Malta. However, in this case, the appointing of an external commissioner is not
at all possible.
Guest Op-Ed: "The Upcoming Burke-Bergoglio Battle over the Knights of Malta"
A special Christmas guest Op-Ed, by Rev. Father "Ignotus".
(Oh, and a very blessed Christmas to all our readers and their families!!!)
(Oh, and a very blessed Christmas to all our readers and their families!!!)
The Upcoming Burke-Bergoglio
Battle over the Knights of Malta
by Pater Ignotus
It is no secret that Pope Francis’s removal of Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke from the tribunal of the Apostolic Signature and his installation as “Patron” of the Knights of Malta was intended to consign the trad-friendly Ur-canonist to an ecclesiastical backwater. No “promoveatur,” just “amoveatur,” and don’t let the door slam on your cappa magna on your way out.
How much trouble, Bergoglio and his entourage probably figured, could Burke possibly cause heading a charitable organization that now specializes in disaster relief?
Well plenty, it seems. Rorate readers are well aware of the cardinal’s strenuous efforts to defend the traditional Catholic teachings on marriage and the reception of the sacraments, especially in the affair of the “dubia,” which has yet to play out completely.
Come, o come, Emmanuel...
It's almost time!...
O Emmanuel! King of peace! Thou enterest today the city of Thy predilection, the city in which Thou hast placed Thy temple—Jerusalem. A few years hence the same city will give Thee Thy cross and Thy sepulchre: nay, the day will come on which Thou wilt set up Thy judgement-seat within sight of her walls. But to-day Thou enterest the city of David and Solomon unnoticed and unknown. It lies on Thy road to Bethlehem.
It's the most wonderful time of the year -- for many souls in Purgatory
It's been a long-held popular belief that Christmas is the day when the most souls are released from Purgatory.
Please send the names of your deceased loved ones before Christmas Day. As long as they're in our inbox they're enrolled in the Society. Get them in just in time for Christmas then consider making your Christmas Mass offertory intention for all the souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society.
How to enroll souls: please email me at athanasiuscatholic@yahoo.com and submit as follows: "Name, State, Country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Ohio, USA". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Priests: Want to give Jesus a birthday present? Why not join the Purgatorial Society and give Him the gift of more saints to be with Him in Heaven? This is not hard. All it takes is to pledge one TLM a week or a month with the intention "For the relief of the souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society." That's it. Give our Lord a wonderful gift this year, Fathers!
Wall Street Journal: "How Pope Francis Became the Leader of the Global Left"
Robespierre - Marx & Engels - Lassalle - Liebknecht - Lenin - Trostsky - Stalin - Mao - Fidel - Hoxha - Pol Pot - Chavez...
...Jorge Mario Bergoglio
From The Wall Street Journal:
Another Day, More Muslim-inspired Tragedies
Nine dead, dozens injured in the Berlin Christmas Market: may they rest in peace.
In the Turkish capital, the Russian ambassador is slaughtered under the cry of, "Allah is great."
Each day, the Muslim brutality increases in intensity and shock -- and an emasculated Western media becomes increasingly afraid of identifying the culprit. The culprit is Islam. There is no other. The religion of the scimitar, of violence, of murder, of sexual perversion will always be Islam.
May the sweetness of the coming Baby Jesus convert the hearts of Muslims and secularists alike, so they can one day recognize that Jesus Christ is the Lord, and that only He is able to make all things new.
Our 11th Anniversary Gift:
- Full text of "THE NEW RELIGION", by Don Pietro Leone
We first published the first excerpts of Don Pietro Leone's booklet "THE NEW RELIGION".
Now, on the date of our 11th Anniversary, RORATE SUNDAY, we present the full text of the booklet to our readers as a gift.
Thank you for your support and readership all these years -- and Happy Rorate Sunday!
Now the content of Faith is immutable and infallible, and, as the First Vatican Council teaches, can develop through the centuries only in the clarity and profundity of its expression. In recent years, however, we have observed how doctrines have been insinuated into the Magisterium which constitute neither a clarification nor a deeper understanding of the Faith, but rather new doctrines: heretical in character, either actually or tendentially, according to the deadly agenda of Modernism.
What we would like to ask now with regard to these doctrines, is whether they represent mere distortions or falsifications of the respective articles of Faith, or whether, together with the New Rite of Mass, the New Rites of all the sacraments, the New Code of Canon Law, the New Breviary, the New Catechism, the New Evangelization, the new morality and spirituality lived and preached by the clergy, the new relaxed Church discipline (in the rules of the religious orders and the dress of the clergy) they form as a whole a New Religion altogether.
In our discussion of the new marital teaching of the Church's Magisterium in our work 'Family under Attack' we offered an answer to this question in terms of Gnosis. The aim of the present essay is to expound that answer in further detail. The essay falls into the following parts:
I Gnosis at the Beginning of Time;
II Gnosis in the Perverted Càbala;
III Gnosis as the New Religion.
Postscript on Gnosis in the World of To-day.
I wish to thank Francesca Romana for her kindness and tireless efforts in translating this essay.
De Mattei - The 80th Birthday of Pope Francis
Pope Francis’ eighty years
Roberto de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
(originally for IL TEMPO, 16th December 2016)
Pope Francis crosses the threshold of 80 years: Ingravescentem aetatem (advanced age), as Paul VI’s motu proprio of November 21st 1970 defines it, which imposes every cardinal to abandon all of their duties, expropriating them also of the right to go into conclave. Paul VI established the rule to create a new “Montinian” curia, but in doing so introduced a profound contradiction inside the more than thousand year praxis of the Church. If in fact advanced age is an obstacle for the head of a diocese or ministry, and even hinders a cardinal from electing a Pope, how can one imagine, that, a cardinal becoming Pope and then reaching the age of 80 can sustain the burden of leading the universal Church?
Prepare ye the way of your funeral
Last week a traditional Latin Requiem High Mass was offered for the funeral of an archdiocesan priest who enjoyed celebrating the TLM in his healthier years. It almost did not happen, as the local ordinary insisted on a novus ordo funeral. Thankfully, the deceased priest made preparations for the day, and his attorney stepped in to amplify the late priest's desire, including having the funeral elsewhere if necessary. The archbishop (known as one of the more conservative prelates in the U.S.) dropped his case and attended the TLM Requiem Mass, offered by another archdiocesan priest.
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A traditional funeral at an FSSP parish in 2014. |
This incident, along with sad examples that could be given (a traditional priest cremated, "On Eagles Wings" performed at white vestment novus ordo funerals for traditional-leaning Catholics, etc.) illustrate the importance of planning ahead for your funeral and burial. Sometimes one's family will opt for the quickest, cheapest and easiest funeral, and the local parish will likely oblige. So, as we enter the homestretch of this Advent season, it should be a time of preparation -- including for such matters as this.
De Mattei: The irrevocable duties of Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church
Roberto de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
December 14, 2016
In his intervention at the Lepanto
Foundation on December 5, 2016, Cardinal Raymond Burke said: “There
is a very heavy burden on a cardinal’s shoulders. We are the Pope’s Senate and
his primary counsellors and must, above all, serve the Pope, by telling him the
truth. Submitting questions, as we have done to the Pope, is in the Church’s
tradition, specifically to avoid
divisions and confusion. We did this with the highest respect for the Petrine
Office, without lacking reverence to the person of the Pope. There are many
questions, but the five main questions we have posed must, of necessity, have a
response for the salvation of souls. We pray every day for a response, faithful
to Tradition, in the uninterrupted apostolic line that takes us back to Our
Lord Jesus Christ.”
You suggest: Devotion to the Infant King, and rebuilding His Shrine in Chicago
The following was given to us by the ICR's Shrine of Christ the King:
Veni Veni, Emmanuel!Join us, the Institute's Shrine of Christ the King, this Holy Advent season as we embark on a powerful and spiritual pilgrimage to Bethlehem through the deeply rooted Christmas novena to the Infant King. As we prepare for the coming of Our Savior, let us meditate upon His Holy birth, God’s giving of His Only Son, and how we can pay homage and adoration to our Earthly and Heavenly King.Now that the historic Infant King statue has been newly restored after last year’s devastating fire and has returned to His home in Chicago, please joyfully and spiritually join the Shrine of Christ the King by participating in the monthly novena to the Infant King from December 17th to December 25th. Through appreciative and jubilant prayers, help us rebuild and restore a glorious home for the Infant King! The Christ Child has promised us, “The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you.”
Saints of the Old Testament: Sts. Ananias, Azarias and Misael
While the Church Universal today commemorates the heavenly birthday of St. Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop and martyr, she also recalls the exemplary holiness of three Old Testament saints, whose names are enrolled in the traditional Roman Martyrology immediately following that of St. Eusebius:
This Day, the Sixteenth Day of December
St. Eusebius, bishop of Vercelli and martyr, mentioned on the 1st of August, and also on the 15th of this month.
The young men, Ananias, Azarias and Misael, whose bodies were buried in a cavern at Babylon.
Charges dropped against Founder of the Franciscan of the Immaculate
Translation exclusive to Rorate Caeli.
By Marco Tosatti
The charges against Father
Stefano Manelli, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been
dropped. After about a year of investigations, the Deputy State Prosecutor at
the Court of Avellino, Doctor A. Del Bene, has asked for the closing of the
proceedings against the religious, whose Order is still under commissioning without
a valid reason having ever been given by the Congregation for Religious.
Adultery and Communion: The Church is not a "train"
Professional liberal sycophant Austen Ivereigh penned an article for the Knights of Columbus' website "Crux", criticizing those who know that the Church cannot change her doctrine established by Our Lord Jesus Christ on Marriage, Penance, and Eucharistic Communion. In the article, he makes repeated use of this metaphor:
"...the train has left the station, the Church is moving on..."
That, of course, is a ludicrous metaphor which makes no sense whatsoever.
The spirit of the liturgy in the words and actions of Our Lady
On Saturday, November 12, I delivered the plenary address at the Annual General Meeting of the Vancouver Traditional Mass Society/Una Voce Canada. The event was located at Holy Family Parish, an apostolate of the Fraternity of St. Peter. The text of my lecture is reproduced in full below, with notes at the end. All paintings are by James Tissot (1836-1902). Those who would like to listen to the audio (including Q&A) will find it here.
The Spirit of the Liturgy in the Words and Actions of Our Lady
Peter A. Kwasniewski
Reverend Fathers and friends in Christ: I thank all of you for coming this evening to hear my lecture, which I dedicate to Our Lady of Victories and to our saint of today, Pope St. Martin I. Rather than compromise one bit with error (as Pope Honorius had shamefully done about 15 years earlier), St. Martin energetically opposed the Monothelite heresy, on account of which he was abducted by command of the Byzantine emperor, exiled, imprisoned, and banished. Having died of exhaustion, he is revered as a martyr by both Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox. He exemplifies how a pope is supposed to behave towards heresies, regardless of threats or punishments from the mighty of this world.
2017 Norcia Calendar Available for Free Download
The monks of Norcia, who are such a beacon of hope in the Catholic world and who have been through so much suffering in the past half-year, are valiantly re-establishing their monastic life on top of a hill overlooking the town. This year, due to the upheavals, they are not publishing their wall calendar in a paper version, but they have still created a beautiful calendar that is available for free download here.
New Holy Martyrs of Egypt!
Over 20 Christians (the number is still uncertain) were Martyred by an explosion placed in or near the St. Mark Coptic Cathedral in Cairo.
May these new Martyrs pray for Christians everywhere. May we pray for the consolation of their families and for the injured.
When, oh when, will this age of Islamic genocide of Christians end? Parce nobis, Domine!...
Dear Sycophants of Pope Francis: If you truly love him, don't let the world see his nakedness
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Ham mocking Noah Bernardino Luini (1515) Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan |
Holy Writ itself presents us such an example, when of the episode of Noah's nakedness and the curse of Ham and his son Canaan. Let us recall:
And drinking of the wine was made drunk, and was uncovered in his tent. Which when Ham the father of Canaan had seen, to wit, that his father's nakedness was uncovered, he told it to his two brethren without. But Shem and Japheth put a cloak upon their shoulders, and going backward, covered the nakedness of their father: and their faces were turned away, and they saw not their father' s nakedness. And Noah awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him, He said: Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. (Genesis, chapter 9)
Letter in support of the Four Cardinals from Catholic academics and pastors
This press release speaks for itself; I (Joseph Shaw) am a signatory.
of Support for the Four Cardinals’ Dubia
As Catholic scholars and pastors of souls, we wish to express our profound gratitude and full support for the courageous initiative of four members of the College of Cardinals, Their Eminences Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Leo Burke, Carlo Caffarra and Joachim Meisner. As has been widely publicized, these cardinals have formally submitted five dubia to Pope Francis, asking him to clarify five fundamental points of Catholic doctrine and sacramental discipline, the treatment of which in Chapter 8 of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia (AL) appears to conflict with Scripture and/or Tradition and the teaching of previous papal documents – notably Pope St. John Paul II’s Encyclical Veritatis Splendor and his Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio. Pope Francis has so far declined to answer the four cardinals; but since they are in effect asking him whether the above weighty magisterial documents still require our full assent, we think that the Holy Father’s continued silence may open him to the charge of negligence in the exercise of the Petrine duty of confirming his brethren in the faith.
The 2017 Angelus Press liturgical calendar -- and a surprise
As we do every year, we highlight traditional Catholic calendars that are sent to us. And one of the best each year is from Angelus Press. The 2017 theme is "The Life of Christ through the liturgical year."
But we got a surprise in this year's package!
Don Pietro Leone: Cheerfulness
By Don Pietro Leone
St. Philip Neri
“Cheerfulness strengthens the
heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God,
ought always to be in good spirits"
According to St. Thomas Aquinas,
cheerfulness is a particular virtue which is a part of justice. The virtue of
justice is defined as the virtue of giving the other his due, whether that
other is God or man. An example of justice in the strict sense is paying back a
debt. Now cheerfulness involves giving another something which is not due to
him strictly, but in equity, in fairness:
namely by behaving pleasantly to those around one. Cheerfulness, like
truthfulness, is completely natural, because man naturally lives in society,
and without cheerfulness and truthfulness society would not last. St. Thomas
quotes Aristotle in this regard: ‘No-one could abide a single day with the sad
or with the joyless’.
Why cheerfulness is necessary to society
is because it maintains harmony between the different members of society, both
in actions and in words. Cheerfulness, apart from being a part of justice, is a
form of friendliness. We can distinguish between two forms of friendliness: a
particular form which springs from a particular affection for a friend; and a
general form which springs from a general affection for all people.
Cheerfulness is this latter form of friendliness: it is directed towards
every-one. It is directed towards every-one, though not always in the same way:
not with the same intimacy with a stranger as with a friend, for example, but
in an appropriate way: in a way that suits the circumstances. Interestingly the
book of Ecclesiasticus (4.7) particularly mentions the poor as the object of our
cheerfulness or friendliness, perhaps because it can be more difficult to be
friendly to the poor: ‘Make thyself affable to the congregation of the poor’.
Article: "Considerations on the dubia of the four cardinals"
by John R. T. Lamont, DPhil
Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra and Meisner have
performed a signal service to the Church by sending five dubia on the apostolic exortation Amoris laetitia to the Holy See, requesting an authoritative
clarification of the meaning of that document, and then making public the text
of the dubia when no response to them
was given. Cardinal Burke has performed a further service to the Church by
explaining this initiative in an interview with Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register on Nov. 15th
2016, and stating that if no response was given to the dubia the cardinals would have to make a formal act of correction
of a serious error.
As is proper, the dubia were formulated in a manner appropriate to an official request of this kind, and the formal act of correction to which Cardinal Burke refers is an act with a legal character. Catholics may find it helpful to be given a presentation of the canonical, historical and theological background to the dubia and the suggested act of correction, and to the situation that has led to the action of the Cardinals. This background is no doubt well known to the four Cardinals, but it is less accessible to those who lack their specialised knowledge. This article is intended to help with the comprehension and appreciation of their initiative.
As is proper, the dubia were formulated in a manner appropriate to an official request of this kind, and the formal act of correction to which Cardinal Burke refers is an act with a legal character. Catholics may find it helpful to be given a presentation of the canonical, historical and theological background to the dubia and the suggested act of correction, and to the situation that has led to the action of the Cardinals. This background is no doubt well known to the four Cardinals, but it is less accessible to those who lack their specialised knowledge. This article is intended to help with the comprehension and appreciation of their initiative.
The dubia
New translation of St. Robert Bellarmine autobiography (and more reader discounts!)
We have enjoyed a strong relationship with Catholic author and publisher Ryan Grant of Mediatrix Press for a few years. And we are pleased to bring to you his latest work, the first English translation of The Autobiography of St. Robert Bellarmine. Check out his site now, as he's added a number of new titles to the "Rorate Discount Page."
Besides the Saint's autobiography, this work also includes his model for composing sermons, and 7 sermons on the Annunciation which have
rarely been seen before in Latin, and never before in English. The Autobiography
was written by St. Robert in 1613-1614, at the request of some Jesuit brothers
that wanted an account of his life. It is not terribly long, nor exhaustive of
the Saint's life, but it is an account written by his own hand of the
recollections he had as he approached 70. To this Mr. Grant has added numerous
footnotes and some appendices so as to aid the reader in gathering the
historical details surrounding St. Robert's life.
Robert Bellarmine was also an excellent preacher -- considered one of the best of
his age -- and it is fitting that, as he speaks of preaching so frequently in the
autobiography, that his Guide to Composing Sermons has been provided, along
with 7 sermons on the Annunciation so as to demonstrate these principles in
action. The Sermons combine St. Robert's considerable erudition and knowledge
of Holy Scripture with his great piety, but simplified for to be for all.
a special just for Rorate readers, you can now purchase this book by clicking here to receive a 20% discount ($15). Additionally, our readers can take
advantage of special discounts explicitly for you, on other books published by
Mediatrix Press.
Lastly, the foreword for this book has been written by Fr.
Philip Wolfe, FSSP, who is well known for his excellent traditional
sermons. See the forward below:
Bizarre move: Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople writes article for L'Osservatore Romano endorsing Amoris Laetitia.
Revisiting the contrasting positions of Moscow and Constantinople at the Synod of 2015
In what is surely one of the most bizarre twists in the debate on Amoris Laetitia, Pariarch Bartholomew, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, has penned an article unabashedly endorsing that exhortation. While it is no secret that the Kasperite and liberal wing have partly taken inspiration from Eastern Orthodox praxis, that L'Osservatore Romano would go to the extent of publishing an article from Bartholomew in support of AL will only exacerbate the concerns of those who do see this document as intending a departure from perennial Catholic teaching.
The full text of the editorial, in English, can be found here: "God is Love (1 John 4:8)".
Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society

This is our monthly reminder to please enroll Souls of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society. We now stand at 76 priests saying weekly or monthly traditional Latin Masses for the Souls.
NEW! Click here to download a "fillable" PDF Mass Card to give to the loved ones of the Souls you enroll. It's free.
Priests: The Souls still need more of you saying Mass for them! Please email me to offer your services. There's nothing special involved -- all you need to do is offer a weekly or monthly TLM with the intention: "For the Souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society." And we will always keep you completely anonymous unless you request otherwise.
How to enroll souls: please email me at athanasiuscatholic@yahoo.com and submit as follows: "Name, State, Country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Ohio, USA". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Saints of the Old Testament: St. Sophonias
King Josias obeys the Holy Spirit's prompting to purge the land of false religion
This Day, the Third Day of December
St. Francis Xavier, confessor, of the Society of Jesus, who died on the 2d of this month.
In Judea, the holy prophet Sophonias.
Saints of the Old Testament: St. Naum
The Fall of Nineveh, John Martin, 1828
This Day, the First Day of December
The prophet Nahum, who was buried in Begabar
The Benedictines of Mary -- just in time for Christmas
There's really not much more to say about the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. They are fully traditional Catholic nuns, they've topped the classical charts with their beautiful CDs, they've been all over national television and, praise God, they read Rorate! So they sent us their latest incredible compilation: A Christmas CD, Caroling at Ephesus.
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