Rorate Caeli

Bishop Fellay speaks on the Vatican-SSPX talks
An agreement is not "humanly" possible

[Update - New Catholic]

In his sermon in the Feast of the Purification, the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX) declared the following, among other things:

"And now, it is asked, will a result be achieved in the discussions with Rome, will we soon have an agreement? Frankly, sincerely, speaking in human terms, we do not see such an agreement in view. What does an agreement mean? On what are we in agreement? On the fact that only through the Church we find the means of salvation? ...
"This does not mean abandoning truth in order to find a middle way, absolutely not; yes, in human terms, we will not reach an agreement, the way we see things, [the talks] do not serve any purpose, in human terms. Yet, when we speak of the Church, we do not speak in human terms, we speak of a supernatural reality to which Our Lord promised that it would not fail, against which the gates of hell would not prevail. And, therefore, even if we face a difficult and contradictory reality, we know that events are in God's hands, He who has the means to put things in order. It would be proper to recall that to talk and to debate is necessary, but it is not enough: when one talks about saving souls, when one considers how God rescued the Church from other crises it faced through the centuries, we see that holiness is that with which He renews and heals the Church. Without grace, and remaining solely at the level of men, all is lost from the beginning. All of us, as Catholics, must, therefore, act, advancing in grace, in the love of God, in charity."


Messa in Latino has the news of Bishop Fellay's discourse on the occasion of the reception of 13 new French seminarians for the SSPX on February 2, 2010.

The Messa in Latino article is here:

Fellay: umanamente, gli accordi con Roma sono impossibili; ma la Chiesa non e umana.

The La Porte Latine webpage with the audio recording of the bishop's speech:

Sermon des prises de soutane a Flavigny (See also this link on DICI.)

Rorate will provide a fuller report soon.