Rorate Caeli

Jose Gomez: Coadjutor Archbishop of LA?

Archbishop Gomez giving First Holy Communion at the O.L of Atonement Anglican-Use Catholic Parish

So say The Deacon's Bench and a note on New Advent.

The website of Una Voce San Bernardino, in an article about the "glorious transformation" of the situation for the TLM in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, has the following to say about the soon-to-be Coadjutor Archbishop, who was ordained in 1978 as a numerary priest of Opus Dei:

The Most Rev. Jose Gomez, our Archbishop, and Fr. Francis McHugh deserve a huge deal of credit for withstanding the barrage of criticism they have received for allowing the Traditional Latin Mass into the mainstream of Catholic life here in San Antonio.

UPDATE (NC): Confirmed. May Our Lady Queen of Angels and Saint Vibiana intercede for him and the faithful under his care. ¡Enhorabuena, monseñor!