Rorate Caeli

Reader opinion: Breviarium Romanum
Angelus Press and Nova et Vetera editions

We are re-posting this for two reasons.

-(First), a reader asks us the following: "Was any edition of the Breviarium published in the early 1960s according to the 1960 rubrics but with the traditional, not the Pius XII, Psalter?" We know that both the Les Amis de Saint François de Sales edition, sold by Angelus Press, and the Nova et Vetera edition fall into this category - but they are both current publications. The reader's question is related to Breviaries published anywhere in the world at the time.

-(Second), if you did not add your voice to the comments below, please do: we would like to know your opinion regarding any version of the Breviaries of the Latin Church (including partial editions, such as the several available Diurnales).

[First posted: April 23, 2011, 5:44PM] We ask of our readers who have personal experience with either the Angelus Press or Nova et Vetera editions of the Breviarium Romanum (or both) to please share their opinion with us - especially regarding overall quality and durability. And, if you wish to add any information on new and less known versions of the traditional books of the Divine Office for actual prayer use, please do so - not on versions edited for academic purposes.

Thank you!