Rorate Caeli

Triste España sin ventura
One of thousands, 75 years ago

Triste España sin ventura
Juan del Encina
Sad Spain, without fortune, / all must weep for you. /
Deserted by joy / that will never return.
Father Pedro Sánchez Barba, of Murcia, Diocese of Cartagena, was admired by the faithful for his great humanistic culture, his spiritual stature and his elevated demeanor and dignity.

God wanted him for Himself. He felt great pain when leaving, at the beginning of the conflict, his dear Church of Saint Bartholomew and hiding in the garden, tears for his church having been converted into a garage, its images profaned, the station of the Holy Sepulcher by Bussi reduced to ashes... From his great priestly heart, a cry came forth, as that of Christ on the Cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

His last gesture was worthy and meritorious of the glory of the saints: betrayed by another Judas, sold to men enraged by ignorance, these propose to him that he renounce his Faith and "renege" on his priesthood.

Don Pedro replies, "Never. My faith and my vocation are more valuable than my life."

They bring him into the car with his two brothers, Pepe and Fulgencio.

The road to Fortuna was the place of martyrdom. Already on the ground, Don Pedro says: "if you wish to kill me because I am a priest, that is fine; but, I beg you, please set my brother free, because my mother is disabled and needs him..." Before he could finish his words, the brothers were shot down. It was September 4, 1936.

[Apapted from the account provided by the Royal and Most Illustrious Confraternity of the Holy Sepulcher, Murcia, Spain.  Note: Triste España sin ventura (Sad Spain without fortune), composed by Juan del Encina upon the death of Prince John of Aragon and Castille, heir to the Catholic Monarchs.]