Rorate Caeli

A Vatican II Moment: The Masonic Memorial Mass

[I]t remains each man's duty to retain an understanding of the whole human person in which the values of intellect, will, conscience and fraternity are preeminent
Gaudium et spes, 61

It may sometimes seem to a couple of readers that we enjoy reporting these things: we do not, we find no pleasure in it, it pains our hearts deeply. We actually saw this when it was first posted, and hesitated about mentioning it, but today our friends at Fratres in Unum asked us to make it known around the world, and we could not refuse their request.

This is a regular Novus Ordo mass: it is nothing out of the ordinary, not even the use of a "stealth priestess" (that is, a vested female EMHC), or special guests in the sanctuary. Liturgically, that is, it is nothing out of the ordinary ordinariness of the ordinary rite almost everywhere: this is it; we know that there are a dozen or so new masses around the world celebrated in order to look like the Traditional Latin Mass, but they do not "herald" any change, alas, despite the fervent wishes of their promoters.

What makes this mass noteworthy, therefore, is the occasion: it is a memorial new mass for the "Day of the Freemason", celebrated by Father Geraldo de Magela Silva, of the Diocese of Pesqueira (state of Pernambuco, Brazil), on August 20, 2012. Its images were actually posted on the Facebook page of a Masonic organization.

When contacted about it, the local bishop, José Luiz Ferreira Salles, CSsR, "excused himself and simply said that he ... had just arrived from a trip." [Source and tip: Fratres in Unum]