Rorate Caeli

You Report: Pontifical Mass in Vienna

Reader N.S. sends us the report from Vienna:

One of the grandest baroque churches in Vienna, Austria, is definitely St. Charles' (Karlskirche), which is dedicated to the memory of St. Charles Borromeo, the sixteenth-century cardinal-archbishop of Milan and reformer of the Church in similarly turbulent times If the current crisis is to be overcome, all natural and supernatural means will have to be employed. Which better saint can we thus have recourse to than Saint Charles, who with great zeal and piety helped to restore the Church?

We are happy to report that on November 4, 2013 (Borromeo's feastday), H.E. Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur/Coire, Switzerland, celebrated a Pontifical Mass in his honor. Thanks are due to the celebrant (in particular for making the 700 km/ 430 mi car ride) and to the local Una Voce that organized everything so well.

Additional images here.