From a letter (in Spanish) sent by the Prefect of Divine Worship, Cardinal Cañizares, to those who took part in the 1st Summorum Pontificum Liturgy Congress, which took place in Madrid in the end of April:
The Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" is to be understood within this complete view of the teaching and actions of the Holy Father, never as something [that is] isolated or anecdotical, destined solely for the interest of a few and in places with specific problems. Facilitating the access to the official liturgical form of the Roman Rite before the reform caused by the Second Vatican Council is not a concession to nostalgia or to Integrism, it is [rather] a step to favor Ecclesial Communion and an aid to guide and understand the current "ordinary form" of celebrating the Roman Liturgy, within a "hermeneutic of continuity".