Congratulations to the bishops of New York State for releasing a collective letter against the approval of "same-sex marriage" after its actual approval by the legislature and at about the same time the self-declared Catholic governor was proudly signing it into law.
Yes, it is said that the Metropolitan Archbishop fought against it - but one wonders if these things would move forward if Bishops acted towards Catholic politicians with at least half the vehemence with which Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II acted towards Archbishop M. Lefebvre - or with the same "love" which some of them still dedicate to Traditional-minded Catholics in their respective dioceses... Or will priests and bishops in New York be any less inclined to fawn over Catholic Assembly Members and Senators who voted for this abomination, and the Governor who signed it, when they meet and greet them, in parish halls, cocktail parties, and dinners? Will priests and lay faithful who publicly celebrate this abomination be punished or warned? And so continues this disconnect between what the Church says and how her representatives act, as if what they said had no influence on how they behave: to those on the outside, it all looks like a farcical act.
Yes, it is said that the Metropolitan Archbishop fought against it - but one wonders if these things would move forward if Bishops acted towards Catholic politicians with at least half the vehemence with which Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II acted towards Archbishop M. Lefebvre - or with the same "love" which some of them still dedicate to Traditional-minded Catholics in their respective dioceses... Or will priests and bishops in New York be any less inclined to fawn over Catholic Assembly Members and Senators who voted for this abomination, and the Governor who signed it, when they meet and greet them, in parish halls, cocktail parties, and dinners? Will priests and lay faithful who publicly celebrate this abomination be punished or warned? And so continues this disconnect between what the Church says and how her representatives act, as if what they said had no influence on how they behave: to those on the outside, it all looks like a farcical act.