Rorate Caeli

80th priest joins the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society!

SPECIAL NOTE: The Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society has been greatly blessed since its inception seven years ago. In that time, while we stopped counting due to the incredible time constraints involved in keeping track, it's very safe to say we have enrolled around 1,000,000 souls, God be praised! 

Now, today, we announce that our 80th priest has joined the Society. In order to join, the priest agrees to say a weekly, or at bare minimum a monthly, traditional Latin Mass for the enrolled souls. 

We are so very grateful to these fine men -- the overwhelming majority of them being diocesan priests. And we call on all of our priestly readers, especially the numerous TLM-only priests who read this blog, to sign up today. We know you get a lot of Mass intentions, but surely you can spare one a week or one a month, for 1,000,000 souls! And how they will repay you, good Fathers, at your hour of judgement! 

See below for how simple it is to enroll as a priest of the Society. And, as our current priests know, this is completely anonymous unless you ask us to promote your joining. 

Last, we want to thank all of our readers! You fill our inbox with the names of souls day and night, from every continent around the world, and from countries this contributor has problems finding on a map. We thank our vast international family for making the Society a success -- especially for the readers who cannot afford to pay for Masses for the dead. Thank you, and may God reward you!

This is our monthly reminder to please enroll Souls of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society. We now stand at 80 priests saying weekly or monthly traditional Latin Masses for the Souls.

** Click here to download a "fillable" PDF Mass Card to give to the loved ones of the Souls you enroll. It's free for anyone to use. **

Priests: The Souls still need more of you saying Mass for them! Please email me to offer your services. There's nothing special involved -- all you need to do is offer a weekly or monthly TLM with the intention: "For the Souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society." And we will always keep you completely anonymous unless you request otherwise. 

How to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "Name, State, Country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Ohio, USA". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.

Please consider forwarding this Society to your family and friends, announcing from the pulpit during Holy Mass or listing in your church bulletin. We need to spread the word and relieve more suffering souls.

Please pray for the enrolled Souls and the 80 holy priests saying Traditional Masses for the Society:

"For all the souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful departed rest in peace. Amen."

Then ...

Almighty and ever living God,
we ask Thy blessing upon the priests
who offer Masses for the Purgatorial Society.
Give them a greater awareness of the grace
that Thou dost pour out through the Sacraments,
and by their devout celebration of the Sacred Mysteries,
increase in them a love for Thee.
Give strength to Thy priests, O Shepherd of the flock;
when they are in doubt, give them the assurance of faith,
and in Thy goodness confirm them as heralds of Thy Truth
to all who seek to follow in Thy path.
We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Priest,
Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity with the Holy Ghost,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.