Rorate Caeli

A priest on his knees amid the “gilet jaunes”

    H/T Chiesa e Post Concilio

An image that has no need of comments and which represents all the priests, and men and women of good will, who, in these tremendously grave times continue to pray for Italy, France, Europe and the entire world…

“But you, O priests! Why do you not run weeping between the vestibule and the altar, begging for the end of the afflictions? Why don’t you take up the shield of faith, get onto the rooftops, into the houses, streets, piazzas and every place, even the most inaccessible, to bring the seed of My Word? Are you forgetting this is the terrible, double-edged sword which strikes down my enemies and breaks the wrath of God and men?” (St. John Bosco, from a prophetic dream, 1870).

Translation: Contributor,  Francesca Romana