Guest Op-Ed: 500th anniversary of the excommunication of arch-heretic, Martin Luther
THOMAS BECKET - "This is the sign of the Church always: The Sign of Blood."
KNIGHTS. Where is Becket, the traitor to the King?
Where is Becket, the meddling priest?
Come down Daniel to the lions' den,
Come down Daniel for the mark of the beast.
"When the Child was Born" (Quanno nascette ninno) -- A Christmas Poem by St. Alphosus Liguori -- Exclusive English translation for Rorate
A Very Happy Christmas and a Blessed Christmastide to all of you and all of your families!
As a gift to our readers, Rorate is fortunate enough to present what we believe to be a first in English: a translation, from the original Neapolitan, of St. Alphonsus Liguori musical poem for Christmas, Quanno nascette ninno (When the Child was Born)
When the Child was born (Quanno nascette ninno)
When the Child was born in Bethlehem
It was night and it seemed noon.
Never the stars shining and beautiful were seen like this:
And the brightest one went and called the Magi in the East.
Suddenly birds awoke
Singing in a whole new form:
Even the crickets with shrieks,
Jumping from side to side;
He’s born, He is born,
They said, the God who created us.
"My Lord and my God!" The Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle in late Advent
The feast of St. Thomas the Apostle has been kept on this day, December 21 from at least the ninth century. It was moved to July 3, the day mentioned by St. Jerome as the date of his martyrdom in India, by those who revised the calendar after the Second Vatican Council. They did this so that his feast would not interrupt the major ferial days of Advent leading to Christmas. They wanted to tidy things up, calendar wise. They considered the feast of St. Thomas in later Advent out of place. Their liturgical rationalism made them blind to the wonderful interruption of late Advent made possible by the feast of this apostle.
Today’s Gospel is the famous Gospel of "doubting Thomas". This Gospel is heard also on the Sunday after Easter, Low Sunday. Heard on Low Sunday it makes sense as the continuing narrative of Jesus’ resurrection and appearances to the disciples. But it also makes sense in a discontinuous way today, four days before the celebration of the birth of Christ. The celebration of Christmas makes sense only if one believes that the baby in the manger is the Incarnate Lord, the God-man, who came to save the world from sin and eternal death. In an increasingly secularized world, this is either deliberately erased by a celebration of general good feeling and bonhomie. Or it is forgotten by Christians whose faith has been watered down lest they be uncomfortable in thinking about the real link between the wood of the manger and the wood of the Cross.
The case against masks, presented by a religious Sister in the form of an article from the Summa
Rorate is grateful for the following contribution, offered to us by a religious Sister who wishes to remain anonymous (or rather, who must remain anonymous for the sake of her community).
For the past ten months or so, we have been urged, commanded, and threatened to wear masks. The majority of the populace seems to be complying. It is the exception, rather than the norm, to see unmasked faces at a grocery store, a gas station, or the gym. Christians seem to be like their neighbors in this regard; walking into most Masses on a Sunday morning, one is likely to be “greeted” with masked parishioners, social distancing, and lots of sanitizer.
15 Years of Rorate Caeli: Thank you!
De Mattei: "The Year of Saint Joseph: A Great Opportunity for the Church"
MAJOR EXPOSÉ: Rooms broken into, dossiers stolen, death threats, armed guards, assassinations... Fr. Charles Murr on Vatican intrigues surrounding Cardinals Baggio, Benelli, Villot, and Gagnon
Rorate readers will be aware of the groundbreaking interview Kevin J.
Symonds conducted with Fr. Murr for the October 2020 issue of Inside the Vatican, which was also
published at Rorate
on October 10. Interested readers may want to read that interview first in
order to gain more understanding of context for the present one, which was done once again for Inside the Vatican.
In the previous interview, Fr. Murr told us about his friendship with
Mother Pascalina Lehnert, the “right hand” of Pope Pius XII for several
decades. In addition to this discussion, Fr. Murr made some notable
revelations about what was going on at the Vatican in the 1960s, and 1970s.
The interview below follows up on these revelations with the theme of “where
do we go from here?”
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Cardinal Baggi (L) and Cardinal Benelli (R) |
Resistance is never futile: An interview with Christian Marquant, founder of Paix Liturgique
We are pleased to present the text of an interview we recently conducted with Monsieur Christian Marquant of Paix Liturgique (“Liturgical Peace”). He belongs to the generation of extraordinary people who, as young men, acted decisively when their elders shrank from doing so: they resisted the imposition of liturgical novelty upon the people of God. Here, for the first time online, Christian recounts his adventures and misadventures from the mid-1960s to the present—above all, the establishment and work of Paix Liturgique, a multilingual, data-driven enterprise for the restoration of the usus antiquior all around the world. We are grateful for the many historic photos Mr. Marquant shared with us, most of which appear here for the first time. Dr. John Pepino kindly translated the interview from French into English.
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Christian Marquant, Summorum Pontificum Conference, October 2020, Rome |
Rorate Caeli: Dear Christian, you are the man who orchestrates Oremus-Paix Liturgique. Could you tell us about this movements and its activities?
Christian Marquant: It would hard to tell you what we are today without telling you at least some of our history as Catholic activists. It all began in the mid-1960s.
Op-Ed: "No More Bishop Nice Guy": The Future of the Catholic Church in the United States
The Wall Street Journal recently published an editorial by one of their deputy editors entitled “No More Bishop Nice Guy”. The author, Matthew Hennessey, makes a plea to the bishops: “Show some backbone. Open the churches”. He points out what should be obvious to the bishops: the terrible spiritual damage done to so many families whose loved ones died alone without the Sacraments, the arbitrary limiting of worshippers in churches to numbers that have no scientific justification, and, probably the worst, the breaking of the fundamental and godly habit of regular Mass attendance for millions of families.
The Traditional Mass in Latin America: survey from the FIUV
Recently, the FoederatioInternationalis Una Voce (FIUV), of which I am Secretary, conducted a survey of its member associations and other contacts to supply information for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: to supplement the survey of bishops the Congregation had itself initiated. We received a large number of responses, including from almost every Spanish-speaking country.
There are many dioceses for which we had no reports, in Latin America, where there are almost certainly no EF Masses taking place; in Canada and the USA, on the other hand, we are more likely to have missed out on places where there are celebrations. This means the graph probably understates the contrast.
Of greater value than figures, I believe, are the personal testimonies of the people filling in the survey. I offer a selection here, anonymised to protect the individuals and groups concerned. I will let them speak for themselves, from a full range of experiences, both good and bad, in seeking the Church’s ancient liturgy.
These quotations are translations from the Spanish. The original Spanish can be seen in a Spanish-language version of this blogpost at the Adelante la fe blog here
If anyone would like to join the FIUV’s list of local contacts, please email me at
From Argentina
We were
treated with contempt on the part of the bishop.
(another diocese)
We are
segregated and labelled, by the clergy and laity with positions in the diocese,
as execrable traditionalist recalcitrants, when we only wish to offer our Lord
the honour he deserves…
The Ordinary
is totally hostile. He has forbidden kneeling for Holy Communion. He has
persecuted all who want to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
(another diocese)
RORATE EXCLUSIVE—New biography describes great influence of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger in Vatican II
Rorate is pleased to publish the following article by Dr. Maike Hickson, in which she summarizes the information on (then Father and peritus) Joseph Ratzinger’s involvement in the Council as detailed in Seewald’s magisterial biography, the first volume of which will be released in English on December 15. While some of these facts are already well-known, they have never been presented with as much detail and coherence as Seewald offers. Hickson worked from both the original German edition and the forthcoming English translation. In publishing this critique, we acknowledge at the same time how indebted we are to Ratzinger/Benedict XVI for taking crucial and countercultural steps on behalf of the restoration of the authentic Roman liturgy.
TLM strength yet again recognized by New York Times
Every Sunday, St.-Roch, known as the “church of artists,” celebrates a Tridentine Mass, the traditional Latin Mass that was standard until the introduction of services in vernacular languages in the late 1960s. The Tridentine Mass isn’t exactly audience friendly: For starters, the priests perform most of it while turned toward the altar, with their backs to the congregation.
Still, it has its aficionados. The crowd on the first Sunday of December was among the largest I’ve seen indoors since the start of the pandemic. At least 400 people filled St.-Roch, with limited social distancing and no enforcement of mask rules.
Many Plenary Indulgences available throughout the Year of Saint Joseph, starting today: Conditions (in English)
The Pope introduced the Year of Saint Joseph, to celebrate the 150 years of his Patronage over the Universal Church.
Along with the papal apostolic letter, the Major Penitentiary introduced a set of new plenary indulgences, available until December 8, 2021. The Apostolic Penitentiary letter is here (in Latin and Italian).
The details are the following:
Conditions for the plenary indulgence
The plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the Pope’s intentions) to Christians who, with a spirit detached from any sin, participate in the Year of St. Joseph on these occasions and manners indicated by the Apostolic Penitentiary:
Apostolic Letter PATRIS CORDE of the Holy Father, on the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church
WITH A FATHER’S HEART: that is how Joseph loved Jesus, whom all four Gospels refer to as “the son of Joseph”.[1]
Matthew and Luke, the two Evangelists who speak most of Joseph, tell us very little, yet enough for us to appreciate what sort of father he was, and the mission entrusted to him by God’s providence.
We know that Joseph was a lowly carpenter (cf. Mt 13:55), betrothed to Mary (cf. Mt 1:18; Lk 1:27). He was a “just man” (Mt 1:19), ever ready to carry out God’s will as revealed to him in the Law (cf. Lk 2:22.27.39) and through four dreams (cf. Mt 1:20; 2:13.19.22). After a long and tiring journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, he beheld the birth of the Messiah in a stable, since “there was no place for them” elsewhere (cf. Lk 2:7). He witnessed the adoration of the shepherds (cf. Lk 2:8-20) and the Magi (cf. Mt 2:1-12), who represented respectively the people of Israel and the pagan peoples.
Joseph had the courage to become the legal father of Jesus, to whom he gave the name revealed by the angel: “You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). As we know, for ancient peoples, to give a name to a person or to a thing, as Adam did in the account in the Book of Genesis (cf. 2:19-20), was to establish a relationship.
The Deafening Silence of Pope Francis on China's Persecution of Catholics
We are praying to Immaculate Mary for the health and safety of Jimmy Lai and his family, and for all Catholic and non-Catholic victims of persecution in the most formidable tyranny of our age, Communist China.
From The Wall Street Journal's opinion page (Dec. 7, 2020), main excerpt:
Jimmy Lai has embraced his destiny. Last Wednesday the founder of one of Hong Kong’s most popular newspapers, Apple Daily, was arrested on ginned-up fraud charges. On Thursday he was clapped into jail as a national security risk. Thus did a man who started the week a Hong Kong billionaire end it a Chinese dissident.
Mr. Lai’s jailing has provoked condemnation from figures as diverse as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky and New York Rep. Eliot Engel. They have been joined by journalists, activists and politicians such as the Labour Party’s Sarah Champion and other members of Parliament who on Monday raised Mr. Lai’s plight in Britain’s House of Commons.
But there is one place where China’s bullying elicits only silence: the Vatican.
The Immaculate Conception: Whoever finds the Immaculata, finds Jesus (Kolbe)
Magnificat (1611)
We cannot take rest as long as there is in the world one soul in danger, who does not yet know the Immaculata. Our human frailty, limited resources or any other worldly difficulty must not restrain us; let us confide in the Immaculata, let us place ourselves truly in Her hands and She will continue to win the battles of God, as at Lepanto, as at Vienna. We must place our Lady in every soul so that from every soul sin be expelled and Jesus introduced. Whoever finds the Immaculata, finds Jesus.
1-Day Online Marian Conference on December 8th: Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Assumption
1-Day Conference on 8th December 10:00 – 18:30 GMT to commemorate this year the 70th Anniversary of the Dogma of Our Lady's Assumption into Heaven.
1) Fr Pio M. Idowu, Liturgical and Patristic development of the Dogma of the Assumption
2) Fr Serafino M. Lanzetta, Biblical and Theological foundation of Our Lady’s Assumption
3) Fr Philomeno M. James, Did Our Lady die before her Assumption into heaven?
The day will conclude with Holy Rosary and Solemn High Mass at 5pm in St Mary's Church.
Long Out-of-print Benedictine Martyrology Now Available
Those who admire or follow St. Benedict will rejoice, therefore, in the republication by Os Justi Press of A Benedictine Martyrology. Published in 1922 and long out-of-print, this book is Alexius Hoffman’s English translation and adaptation of the Rev. Peter Lechner’s Ausführliches Martyrologium des Benedictiner-Ordens und Seiner Verzweigungen [Detailed Martyrology of the Benedictine Order and its Branches], published in Munich in 1855. The original was published in cloth; this reprint is paperback, but with the simple and formal cover design displayed above.
Francis Makes Official Use of Joe "Abortion" Biden Campaign Slogan
Just... unbelievable. No comment. (Only that it doesn't matter if it's used for something else, it's closely linked with the Biden campaign and should not be used by a Pope.)To help our society to “build back better”, inclusion of the vulnerable must also entail efforts to promote their active participation. #IDPD
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) December 3, 2020
Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society