Rorate Caeli

Spiazzi, Verona: Second World Day against Abortion (Mass, Procession, Conference)

The Miraculous Sanctuary of the  'Madonna della Corona' , Monte Baldo, Spiazzi, Verona 
(destination of the processsion programmed for Saturday 9th September)


The Confederazione dei Triarii is chaired by Prof. Massimo Viglione, who founded it together with other friends in 2018. It has now spread throughout the Italian territory through local presidia. It is a Catholic association linked to the traditional faith, doctrine, and liturgy. It defends and promotes the principles of the Natural Law, the identity of peoples and Counter-Revolution. Its  programme is condensed into 25  points, which can be found on the website


After the establishment of the First World Day against Abortion -- which had an excellent response from the Catholic population not only in Italy but also in several other parts of the world -- we are re-proposing this important initiative in defense of innocent life, which we hope can become a constant and lasting appointment over time.

The atrocious crime of abortion destroys innocent victims through various, increasingly horrific, techniques, ranging from saline abortion to partial birth abortion, from that caused by scraping to that by aspiration, not to mention the countless abortions obtained through the iniquitous "morning after pill".

The unborn baby is undoubtedly the first and main victim of abortion, but we can think of others. The mother, is deceived by an entire system preventing her from recognizing what is most precious to her -- the life of the baby she is carrying in her womb. The father, who is made unaware and irresponsible of his sexual activity, losing his role and identity in the process. The medical world, which has betrayed the first principle of the Hippocratic Oath: primum non nocere. The laws of the State, which, after abdicating their role in guiding society for the common good, have now thrown the social order into a system denying the  Natural Law.  Public opinion, rendered incapable of critical thinking and powerless to claim from legislators the due respect for life, which cannot be subjected the will of any human-being. 

All the battles fought by the various Prolife movements have contributed to raising public awareness on the subject, and this is of great significance for  mankind and God, the Author and Defender of life. We are convinced, however, that, in this historical moment of enormous anthropological and spiritual degeneration -  involving the whole world -  the battle in defense of innocent human life just has to do more.

To this end, the “Confederazione dei Triarii” has launched the World Day against Abortion, which will comprise several points:

1) The  celebration of Holy Masses against abortion, so that the offering of the Body and Blood of Our Lord may put an end to this modern slaughter of the innocents taking place every day.

2) Eucharistic Adoration,  accompanied by the recitation of the Holy Rosary, to invoke the help of the Mother of God so innocent creatures are no longer sacrificed to the Moloch of totalitarian relativism.

3) Processions of public reparation for all the sins committed against unborn life.

4) Recitation of the Holy Rosary by the faithful with the same intentions.

5) Offering one or more days of fasting.

6) Conferences and lectures in public venues and online, which keep the horrot of this crime in the public eye. 

7) Creation of a worldwide prayer network for the abolition of abortion.

8) Establishment of a reference site.

Points 1) 2) 3) 4) can be implemented both publicly and privately. Point One is certainly the most effective, because it offers the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity to the Divine Majesty to implore the end of abortion. To this end, the faithful who have Holy Masses celebrated will have to specify to the priest the intention of the offerer. We trust in the collaboration of the clergy and of Catholic Associations, so that the choral prayer of the Church may obtain this grace from Our Lord and hold back the arm of Divine Justice.

The day chosen for the Second World Day Against Abortion is Friday, September 8th, 2023, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of all motherhood.

 September 9th there will be Holy Mass, a short procession to the Marian Sanctuary, The Madonna della Corona followed by a  Conference on the theme, featuring speakers such as: Antonio Bianco, Professor Matteo D’Amico, Professor Daniele Trabucco and Dr. Aldo Maria Valli.  Professor Massimo Viglione will chair the conference.

 The Confederazione dei Triarii*


*Triarii (singular: Triarius) were one of the elements of the military legions of the early Roman Republic. They were the oldest and most experienced veterans in the army and could afford high quality equipment. They wore heavy metal armor and carried large shields, their usual position being the third battle line. They were equipped with spears and were considered to be elite soldiers among the legion. They usually took field when the first and second line were losing ground and victory was threatened.