Rorate Caeli

Roche and Viola (Dicastery for Divine Worship) Forbid Latin Mass in Helsinki Cathedral (Finland) - celebrated (for the moment) in another Church

 Finland. A land lost by the Church to Lutheranism.

In that beautiful and peaceful land, those who are Catholic are a tiny minority, but very conscious of their rights and filled with conviction regarding their Faith. Some of them are, like so many of us, attached to the Traditional Latin Mass -- which was, of course, the Mass of Finland before the Reformation.

One would think the Vatican would be happy to have such faithful Catholics in a land of mission. The Traditional Latin Mass used to be celebrated in Saint Henry's Cathedral of Helsinki -- since 2007!

They cannot celebrate it there anymore. The order of the Dicastery for Divine Worship was to discontinue it. It will be celebrated in another church in the city, Saint Mary's; but... for how long? Who knows when the illogical hatred for the Latin Mass will strike again?

[Source: Fides Finland - via Una Voce Sevilla]