Rorate Caeli

Editorial note: For Christ and His Vicar

It had to come to this. The leading daily of the culture of death (let us call it "The Abortion Times"), certainly encouraged by the instruments of Satan within the Church, dig up ancient "news" which, if accurately viewed, only highlight the unrelenting seriousness of the Vicar of Christ regarding all matters. All as part of a campaign which - they think! - will destabilize this rock-solid Pontificate and demoralize Peter in the properly-timed last weeks of Lent and during Holy Week.

Since when does The Abortion Times care about children?! Its editorial tone for the past several decades has been one of hatred for life: the life of all the weakest members of the human family. Their editorials, once and again, repeatedly defended even the most abhorrent "medical intervention" certainly ever invented, partial-birth abortion.

Let us remember what that medical procedure, defended by The Abortion Times incessantly in their editorial pages and masked by untruths in their "news" pages, entails:

[D]eliberate dilatation of the cervix, usually over a sequence of days; instrumental or manual conversion of the fetus to a footling breech; breech extraction of the body excepting the head; and partial evacuation of the intracranial contents of the fetus to effect vaginal delivery of a dead but otherwise intact fetus. (AMA)

OK, then. A newspaper which has always defended, both in its editorial and in its "news" pages, what can only be described as one of the most heartless methods of execution of human beings ever devised now claims some sort of high ground in the defense of children? Since when do they care about children? Obviously, they care about them as much as the diabolic liberals feeding their pages with false accusations against the Holy Father, beginning with the men truly responsible for the crisis of abuse of children and young men: the new Iscariots, as the despicable Weakland and his cohorts in chanceries around the world, who are ever eager to undermine the efforts of a truly reforming papacy.

Yesterday, in his homily for a Chrism Mass, the Bishop of Brooklyn, Nicholas DiMarzio, called the faithful to stand up with him and "besiege The [Abortion] Times. Send a message loud and clear that the Pope, our Church, and bishops and our priests will no longer be the personal punching bag of The [Abortion] Times."

This is the spirit! Fight back, for Christ and His Vicar! And let us all pray for the Pope in this holiest time of the year.