[Author's note:] This article was written before illness led the Supreme Pontiff to hospitalization. Like all the faithful, I too offer my prayers for the physical and spiritual health of Francis. What I write below is valid for the orientation of his pontificate, which is still true today, as can be seen in the recent suppression of the Miles Christi Religious Institute, announced on Thursday, the 6th of this month.
The current Pontificate is distinguished by a true contradiction: the Pope is an enemy of Tradition, persecutor of those who follow it and identify with it. This persecution is accomplished in many ways: he displaces good bishops, appointing coadjutors for them; he elevates to the episcopate progressive characters; he takes care to elevate to the cardinalate those who second his projects of reforming the Church; he promotes progressive religious institutes and undermines or eliminates those attached to Tradition. It is significant that he has chosen the unusual name of Francis - alien to papal history - probably thinking of the saint of Assisi, considering him an ecclesial reformer.