While numerous conservative Catholic blogs have rightfully covered the United States Department of Health and Human Services's attack on the Catholic Church by mandating Catholic employers cover contraception and abortion in their healthcare plans or face millions of dollars in fines, there is one aspect to this, a blessing if you will or a silver lining, that hasn't been discussed.
In doing so, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has succeeded in doing what most bishops have refused to do for decades: ensure that all Catholics know that there is indeed a ban on contraception and that it is, in fact, a mortal sin.
While many traditional-minded Catholics assume all contracepting Catholics know it's a mortal sin, the truth is that many don't, but now surely most do with the media saturation that has followed this story. God willing, some will abandon their thwarting of His will, throw away their contraceptives and hit a confessional soon.
God works in mysterious ways, and through the most unlikely people.
What's your take on this issue? Does this attack on the Church actually help her restore dogma once known -- and shared -- by all Catholics? Please weigh in now, and please keep charity in mind at all times.