Rorate Caeli

Rorate book review: "Advice for Successful Families"

As part of our ongoing series, “The Joy of Big Families,” we bring you a quick review of a wonderful new book titled "Advice for SuccessfulFamilies: The Christian Family Today."

By Mr. and Mrs. Adfero

Many parents, especially in our troubled times, spend countless dollars and hours wasted reading modern “parenting” books. To spank, or not to spank?  To punish, or not? Do we use a “time out” or a “time in”? Is praise beneficial or harmful?
Most of these books leave today’s parents more confused than before they started reading them.  And none of them focus on what’s truly most important: raising our children Catholic and for Heaven.
Now, Fr. Alain Delagneau has brought us full circle, taking on modern problems facing today’s Catholic parents with the wisdom of the ages – and the Church. And he focuses on what parents should be focusing on, not what the world tells them to focus on.
This book is not a nebulous, 30,000-foot spiritual exercise, leaving the reader unsure how to put into practice what they’ve read. It’s a straightforward blueprint that families at all levels – and with children of all ages -- can easily digest and implement to focus the direction they are headed as a married couple and as parents towards sanctification.
Fr.  Delagneau takes you through many critical areas pertaining to married life and raising children:
·    The qualities that the head of the family should possess and consequences of his faults.
·    The qualities of the wife as the heart of the home and the consequences to the family if she does not fulfill her role.
·    How peace in the home stems from the harmony of the spouses.
·    How a child will naturally obey his parents if the child is assured of his parents’ natural and supernatural love for him – to the extent that the demands are explained and lack harshness.
·    The virtues critical to a healthy and holy family and the spiritual life and devotions that develop those virtues (what prayers to say, what books to read, etc.).
·    “The duty to sit down”: how spouses must strive to inspire in each other a desire for mutual sanctification.
·    How to schedule your life to bring about “human equilibrium.”
·    And the friends and enemies of the Christian home: what all parents must know about the TV, the Internet and video games, along with suggestions on wholesome activities and family friends.
In a nutshell, "Advice for Successful Families" will help you: 1) order your family life towards God; 2) enjoy life; 3) achieve balance in your family life; 4) organize your life; and 5) to distinguish yourself from the spirit of the world while living in the world.
You may purchase this must-read book for the very reasonable price of $9.95 from Angelus Press by clicking here.