There is a huge number of Catholics who do not have access or are not able to go to a closeby celebration of the Sacred Triduum according to the Traditional Roman Rite (Vetus Ordo, Extraordinary Form, etc).
For these Catholics, one option is to watch the Sacred Triduum online and join spiritually those faithful who are present - for instance, by way of LiveMass. Their schedule is the following (remember GMT/UTC is EDT+4, London/BST is EDT+5). will turn on the broadcast 10 minutes prior to the beginning time of each liturgy.
Holy Thursday - Jueves Santo:8:00 PM EDT / 7:00 pm CDT Santa Misa Cantada - Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Guadalajara, Mexico *SD Feed Only*(Lavatorio de pies, Procesión del Santísimo, Desnudar el Altar)*** Sarasota Mass will be recorded and broadcast following the Stripping of the Altar in Mexico.Also, the Holy Thursday Mass will replace the Sunday Mass for VOD until 4/20/2014.
Good Friday - Viernes Santo:1:00 PM EDT / 12:00 pm CDT Via Crucis - Pilar *SD Feed Only*2:00 PM EDT / 1:00 pm CDT Stations of the Cross - Christ the King, Sarasota, FL4:00 PM EDT / 3:00 pm CDT Solemne Acción Litúrgica - Pilar *SD Feed Only*(Lecturas, Pasión, Oraciones Solemnes, Adoración dela Santa Cruz, Sagrada Comunión)
Holy Saturday - Sábado Santo:11:30 PM EDT / 10:30 pm CDT Vigilia Pascual - Pilar *SD Feed Only*(Bendición del fuego Pascual y del Cirio Pascual, Procesión, Præconium, Lecturas, Letanías de los Santos, Bendición del Agua Bautismal, Misa Cantada)*** Sarasota Mass will be recorded and broadcast following the liturgy in Mexico.
Easter Sunday - Domingo de Pascua:
8:30 AM EDT / 7:30 am CDT Low Mass from Sarasota, FL
10:30 AM EDT / 9:30 am CDT Low Mass from Sarasota, FL
1:00 PM EDT / 12:00 Noon CDT Santa Misa Cantada - Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Guadalajara, Mexico *SD Feed Only*
8:00 PM EDT / 7:00 pm CDT Santa Misa - Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Guadalajara, Mexico *SD Feed Only*