Rorate Caeli

La Verdadera Inculturación

The true inculturation happened when Spaniards and Portuguese spread the True Faith and the venerable rites of the Latin Church to the farthest confines of the world. The picture above, from the Philippines, provided by Inquisitor .

And, at left, a picture of the first Mass celebrated by Saint Alberto Hurtado (1901-1952), the Chilean Jesuit canonized by Pope Benedict at the end of the Synod of Bishops.

No "typical costumes", no "dances", no "typical songs", no anthropocentric worship. Padre Hurtado, a defender of the lowly, in the Tradition of the Church, offers his Lord to His Father, in the venerable rite of Rome, omnium Ecclesiarum Mater et Magistra.

At right, Padre Hurtado faithfully prays his inseparable Roman Breviary: true love for the poor and for the meek begins with faithful prayer, in the Tradition of the Church.

Padre Hurtado, pray for us!