Rorate Caeli

They will regret

It is not a surprise that the ruling coalition's candidate was elected President in Chile. The Concertación (the center-left coalition) has ruled Chile since the fall of Pinochet and has become a sort of "default choice", as the Liberals in Canada (whose reign will probably end before the end of this month). El Mercurio, the largest Chilean daily, says that probably any candidate of the Coalition would have won -- and I think they are right.

The difference between the candidates, however, was not great: less than 500,000 ballots. One force could have prevented the election of an Atheist, divorced Socialist: the Catholic Church. Actually, as this report says, the Episcopal Conference made clear that it did not care when it said that "Christianity does not identify itself with any particular political party" -- which is true, though the Church must take a stand when the values of life and the freedom of the Church may be in great risk. As this blog reminds us, the great dream of the Death Forces (including Planned Parenthood, the Ford Foundation, the European Union) is to destroy the pro-life bastion of Latin America, especially in the most pro-life nations, such as Chile.

The Church in Chile WILL regret its silence.