Rorate Caeli

New Cardinal names by end of February - Consistory in late March

This one is for those who are interested in such matters: Andrea Tornielli announces in Il Giornale today that the announcement of the future consistory will be made before the end of this month, and the consistory itself will be held in the Annunciation (March 25).

This may also mean that the great "reform of the Curia" (read about it here and here) will happen only after the Consistory, sometime between April and June.

The names mentioned by Tornielli include the obvious ones (Levada, Vingt-Trois of Paris, Caffarra of Bologna) and also Agostino Vallini (Prefect of Apostolic Signatura), Angelo Comastri (archpriest of St. Peter's and always mentioned in relation to the Curial reforms -- read links above), Rodè (C. for Religious), Rylko (P. Council Laity), Cordes (Cor Unum), Ricard (Bordeaux - President of the French Episcopal Conference), Dziwisz (Krakow), and also... O'Malley (Boston) and Martin (Dublin).

Interesting websites on the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church and consistories are available here and here. We can only pray that those who are chosen are worthy of the color of the blood of the martyrs and faithful servants of God (in the picture, Pope in the new papal kitchen)