It seems to be a fairly common question these days, also in the mind of Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, one of the four Bishops consecrated for the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX/SSPX) by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and co-consecrated by Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer in 1988, in an interview with Stephen Heiner (read it here).
Amidst very stern words which cover the current pontificate, the Second Vatican Council, and the "Traditionalist question", Bishop Tissier de Mallerais reflects the malaise which grips the Catholic world: "... he has been the Pope for one year and he has done nothing!"
Update: I would just suggest this interesting article by our contributor Jacob Michael, especially on aspects of then-Professor Ratzinger's "Introduction to Christianity".
Update: I would just suggest this interesting article by our contributor Jacob Michael, especially on aspects of then-Professor Ratzinger's "Introduction to Christianity".