Rorate Caeli

You Report: Palm Sunday and Tenebrae in St. Mary's, Norwalk, CT


Rorate has received the following report from Mr. Richard Dobbins of the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny.

The full Tenebrae service in the old rite (2.5 hours!) was celebrated on the evening of Holy Wednesday at St. Mary Church, Nowalk, CT, USA. At the end, the choir sang William Byrd's setting of the Miserere into a dark church, followed by the strepitus and the final prayer. All departed in silence. Photos are here:


Also, last Sunday we had Solemn Mass for Palm Sunday, marking a return to our newly restored church. Photos are here:

Palm Sunday in the Restored Church of St. Mary, Norwalk

This liturgy began at an outside altar for the chanting of the first Gospel of the day, followed by a procession into the church. Almost 450 people were in attendance, owing in large part to the many young families who accompanied the members of a 50-strong children's schola. The children sang the "Hosanna filio David", "Pueri Hebraeorum", and "Gloria laus" under the direction of St. Mary's choirmaster, David Hughes. The Schola Cantorum of the parish performed all the other proper chants for the liturgy, as well as William Byrd's sublime "Mass for Four Voices". The whole passion of St. Matthew was chanted in Latin, with the turba responses of Victoria. Our wonderful pastor, Fr. Greg Markey, preached a short sermon relating the mysteries which we will celebrate in Holy Week to what everyone could see and marvel at in the restored church: the new baptistery (relocated near the entrance to the church), the beautiful confessional, and of course the splendid sanctuary designed by Prof Duncan Stroik of the University of Notre Dame.

Regarding the ongoing renovation of our church, you can find a photographic record of the first phase here:

The Renovation

Inter alia, the renovation has replaced a fixed with a movable freestanding altar in order to facilitate the celebration of the traditional Mass. We are blessed to have Solemn Mass every Sunday morning of the year at 9:30am -- Deus laudetur!

In addition to this report from Mr. Dobbins, I'd like to draw attention to the following gems on the blog of the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny:

Links to the videos of Spy Wednesday Tenebrae

Holy Thursday at Holy Innocents Church in NYC

The Good Friday Liturgy at St. Mary's Norwalk