Rorate Caeli
A troubling anniversary ...

Margaret Sanger, one of 11 children born to devout Roman Catholics, who later became a racist evangelist of abortion-on-demand and led countless souls to Hell, died on this day in 1966.

While there is no need to recount her disgusting history of eugenics, nor her rabid racism, the effects of her terror still ring true on the corner of many ghettos, where there are nearly as many black children aborted every year as there are born in America.

Sanger, who came from a mother who faithfully conceived 18 children, would spend her life both preventing the conception of and murdering countless already conceived children.

How much now we must pray, on this day especially, that our Lady closes the doors to every Planned Parenthood slaughterhouse and then maybe -- just maybe -- America can again claim to have the moral high ground in the world we lost so long ago with the help of Margaret Sanger.

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