Rorate Caeli

A foretaste of the heavenly liturgy

In Saint Augustine’s words: “singing is an expression of joy and … love” (Sermo 34:1). As you tell out God’s praises, you give voice to the natural desire of every human being to glorify him with songs of love. It is hard to find words to convey the joy of the soul’s loving encounter with God, yet fine music is able to express something of the mystery of his love for us and ours for him, as we are reminded by the theme chosen for your Congress: Deus Caritas Est.

Always remember that your singing is a service. It is a service to God, offering him the praise that is due. It is a service to other worshippers, helping them raise their hearts and minds in prayer. And it is a service to the whole Church, a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy in which the choirs of angels and saints unite in one unending song of love and praise. 

Benedict XVI, Address to the Pueri Cantores Federation, December 30, 2010.  

(This work of art is from the "Cantoria" of the Cathedral of Florence made by the 15th-century Italian sculptor Luca della Robbia. Photo from Lib-Art.Com.)