Thanks to the kindness of his family, the legacy of Mr. Laszlo Kiss,, is now under the care of a dear friend of this blog - a diocesan Priest in the East Coast of the United States and chaplain of our "Purgatorial Society". Many parties will be involved with the running of the site and with the establishment of stable mirror sites, including at least one religious Congregation.
Father once again dearly thanks all who offered their help, and informs us and assures you that the specific domain name is not going anywhere for a long time. He also asks us to inform you that, instead of directing correspondence to Mr. Kiss's former email address, all mail regarding the website, as well as, and in particular, all offers of help (from proofreading and rubrical corrections to technical aid and new vernacular translations - we are particularly interested in including a French translation of the contents) are to be addressed to:
canon DOT missae AT gmail DOT com
Deus in adiutorium (8 v.)
Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla