[Friday / vendredi: Following Juventutem - 3 - Les activités de Juventutem - 3]
[Saturday / samedi: Following Juventutem -4 | Les activités de Juventutem - 4]
There is a continuous stream of news, images, and videos of Juventutem activities in Madrid provided by Juventutem USA. For instance, the Pontifical Low Mass celebrated by the Ordinary of Bayonne, Bishop Marc Aillet, is taking place right now, at the Church of Saint Francis de Sales (San Francisco de Sales).
We are placing the Juventutem Twitter feed temporarily as the first item in our sidebar (refresh page for updates).
And, remember, wherever you are in the world, pray for the young men and women in Juventutem activities: partial indulgences can be gained for prayers for the young faithful in Madrid from yesterday until next Sunday, "if, at least with a contrite spirit, [the faithful around the world] will raise their prayer to God the Holy Spirit, so that young people are drawn to charity and given the strength to proclaim the Gospel with their life."
We are placing the Juventutem Twitter feed temporarily as the first item in our sidebar (refresh page for updates).
And, remember, wherever you are in the world, pray for the young men and women in Juventutem activities: partial indulgences can be gained for prayers for the young faithful in Madrid from yesterday until next Sunday, "if, at least with a contrite spirit, [the faithful around the world] will raise their prayer to God the Holy Spirit, so that young people are drawn to charity and given the strength to proclaim the Gospel with their life."
À nos amis francophones: une Messe Pontificale vient d'être célébrée par Mgr. Aillet (Bayonne) dans l'église paroissiale de Saint François de Sales de Madrid.
N'oubliez pas les indulgences partielles pour ceux qui ne sont pas à Madrid: décret de la Pénitencerie apostolique (en français). [Photo actualisée.]