Another one is certainly the Missionaries of Charity: it was heartwarming to see this Mass celebrated especially for them in Puerto Rico. [Source: Juventutem Argentina, by way of Hoc Signo.]
(This week, by the way, marks the 500th anniversary of the creation, by Pope Julius II, of the first three dioceses in the Americas, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, and Concepción de la Vega, on Aug. 8, 1511 - the third one would be suppressed afterwards. The first diocese in the mainland would be Panamá, founded as Santa María la Antigua del Darién, in Colombia/Panama, on Aug. 23, 1513, having received its current name in 1520. Congratulations to our readers in Puerto Rico and in the Dominican Republic, beneficiaries of the pioneers of the Old Evangelization - the kind that worked.)