Rorate Caeli

Messire Dieu, premier servi!

All honor to the good Catholic men and women of Paris! They have been the first to protest, every day with stronger numbers, against an odious play that had been blaspheming, unopposed and in several countries and cities, the Name, the image, and the honor of the Lord King of the Universe, whose feast we will celebrate this Sunday.

There is a fine explanation of this movement in defense of the honor of the Lord here:
Each day of this past week has seen a resurgence of hundreds of traditionalist youth using all means, short of violence, to upset the play of Romeo Castellucci (called On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God). It presents an old man whose feces are spread over a huge portrait of Christ. This portrait becomes the target of grenades thrown by children whose last message is “You are not my shepherd.” [In English, because blaspheming in English is "très chic", we guess...]
All in all, the feces lovers’ feast turned outa flop. On another day, 300 youths gathered together to pray before the same Theatre de Ville, including the parish priest of St. Nicholas du Chardonnet, Fr. Beauvais, who came disguised as a sheik, crying “Praised be Jesus Christ” before he dropped the djellaba and held the megaphone.

Civitas is offering a free juridical assistance to anyone harassed by the civil authorities. It is also reacting to the so-called “undeclared demonstration” by declaring that for five days in early November, they will demonstrate in front of another theater which will show also the blasphemous play. They are organizing a mega demonstration against Christianophobia this coming Saturday.

The media for once are bringing the affair under the spotlight. The daily L’Express mentions that “there is developing in France a new barbarism, which endeavors to deny the judeo-Christian heritage, the basis of our civilization.” And Bishop Aillet (let there be at least one!) is congratulating the action of Civitas: “The present christianophobia, prepared by secret offices, does not seem to disturb the morale of our political authorities. Are we about to return to a period of persecution which would tell its name?”

But do not think that this has been limited to people close to the SSPX or to some political movement - not at all. This has been a glorious moment of unity of all Traditional-minded Catholics of the Paris region: it is "Trad-ecumenism" in practice and deed. (This Saturday protest, in particular, that is being unceasingly advertised by Le Forum Catholique, may well turn out to be the most "Trad-ecumenical" event in years.)

For far too long, Christians have been afraid of even using the world "Christianophobia"; some are too lukewarm for protesting against it; many good Christians have feared being accused of self-victimization. The honor of our Lord and King may often mean the need to overcome one's weakness and embarrassment. As we gear up to the year of the Sixth Centennial of the birth of Saint Joan of Arc (1412-1431), let us proclaim with her, in Paris and all over the world: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!