Denton - On January 28, 2012, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz ordained 7 seminarians to the subdiaconate. Photos can be found on the FSSP main website. (Link)
Wigratzbad - On February 11, 2012, Msgr. Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru, Titular Bishop of Civitate and Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, conferred the minor orders of Porter and Lector on 13 seminarians, the minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte on another 13 seminarians, and the Subdiaconate on 7 seminarians. (The list of the newly-ordained can be found here.) Photos can be found on the FSSP main website. (Link)
Msgr. Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru was a numerary priest of Opus Dei prior to his episcopal appointment.
II. Institute of Christ the King - Sovereign Priest
On January 29, 2012, Bishop Luciano Giovannetti, the Bishop-Emeritus of Fiesole, conferred diaconal ordination on two subdeacons of the Institute of Christ the King. The ordinations took place in the Institute's seminary-chapel in Gricigliano. Pictures of the Solemn Pontifical Mass of Ordination can be found here.
Present at the Solemn Pontifical Mass was Msgr. Marco Agostini, an official in the Vatican Secretariat of State and one of the Papal Masters of Ceremonies. Rorate readers might remember that Msgr. Agostini is the first cerimoniere pontificio to publicly celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass since 1970 and that he offered Solemn Mass only last Sunday in the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Trent -- an event that was received by the Archdiocese with "perplexity".
III. Institute of the Good Shepherd
On February 11, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Maria Santissima in Astana, conferred minor orders on some seminarians of the Institute of the Good Shepherd in the its seminary in Courtelain. He also ordained two new subdeacons and one new priest (a Pole) for the Institute. More pictures can be found on the Facebook page of Skauci Świętego Bernarda z Clairvaux (link) and on the website of the IBP seminary in Courtelain (link).
And last but not the least...
The website of the United States District of the SSPX now has pictures of the ordination of Fr. Daniel Chavarria SSPX by Bishop Bernard Fellay in St. Mary's, Kansas, on February 4, 2012, as well as of various recent ceremonies in the SSPX's seminaries around the world.
Present at the Solemn Pontifical Mass was Msgr. Marco Agostini, an official in the Vatican Secretariat of State and one of the Papal Masters of Ceremonies. Rorate readers might remember that Msgr. Agostini is the first cerimoniere pontificio to publicly celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass since 1970 and that he offered Solemn Mass only last Sunday in the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Trent -- an event that was received by the Archdiocese with "perplexity".
III. Institute of the Good Shepherd
On February 11, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Maria Santissima in Astana, conferred minor orders on some seminarians of the Institute of the Good Shepherd in the its seminary in Courtelain. He also ordained two new subdeacons and one new priest (a Pole) for the Institute. More pictures can be found on the Facebook page of Skauci Świętego Bernarda z Clairvaux (link) and on the website of the IBP seminary in Courtelain (link).
And last but not the least...
The website of the United States District of the SSPX now has pictures of the ordination of Fr. Daniel Chavarria SSPX by Bishop Bernard Fellay in St. Mary's, Kansas, on February 4, 2012, as well as of various recent ceremonies in the SSPX's seminaries around the world.