It would be presumptuous of us, after years of covering certain matters, to try to influence how events are to be "interpreted". We trust our capable readers can read the lines, between them, and all the space around them: everything seems clear.
And Eastertide is a wonderful time of the year: sensing the blossoming flowers, even deep within our cities, we know the month of Mary is at hand. And with it, glorious tidings: ecce nova facio omnia, the Resurrected Lord makes all things new because he can.
Inviolata, integra, et casta es Maria,quae es effecta fulgida caeli porta.
O Mater alma Christi carissima,suscipe pia laudum praeconia.
Te nunc flagitant devota corda et ora,nostra ut pura pectora sint et corpora.
Tu per precata dulcisona,nobis concedas veniam per saecula.
O benigna, o Regina, o Maria,quae sola inviolata permansisti.