Rorate Caeli

Wikkimissa time again

Here we are five years into the era of Summorum Pontificum and whatever may be said about it, there can be no denying that there are more Traditional Masses being offered in more places with each passing year. To that end, I always take the opportunity each July 7th to ask readers of Rorate Caeli to consult Wikkimissa  – the indispensable international directory of the Traditional Latin Mass – to make sure that all Mass listings are up to date. Wikkimissa relies heavily on users to keep its information current. Please take a few moments to see if the listings for the Masses in your area are correct. You may edit the site directly but please make sure that the new information is accurate. Phone numbers are particularly useful for travelers who want to verify the time and place of Masses in areas that they will be visiting. If there are new Masses being offered that have not yet been listed, that information can be very helpful to those living in proximity of such Masses as well as to the communities who want to insure attendance. The site functions in eight languages.

Thanks to everyone for your help and many thanks to Emmanuel who owns and administers Wikkimissa