Rorate Caeli

Still time to have a fruitful Lent (audio)

While the end of Lent is in sight, it's not too late to make this Lent fruitful, or to improve an already successful Lenten season.
In the past, you could find a traditional Lenten Mission at many parishes. Now, unless you are near a fully traditional parish, they are nearly extinct -- or all but worthless.
Fortunately, we are not meant to live in the past, we are meant to live in the now. And, now, we have the Internet. And, there is an abundance of good on the Internet, along with the bad.
Through our partnership with Audio Sancto, we bring to your attention this wonderful, traditional Lenten Mission by two traditional Catholic mission priests. Their description of the Viva Cristo Rey mission is as follows:

"Many evils in the world today are due to the fact that the majority of men have thrust Jesus Christ and His Holy Gospel out of their lives. Unless this is corrected there will be no hope for lasting peace in the world; there will be no true justice in the world around and no lasting peace and harmony in the world inside of us. As a result, man ends up a new Atlas straining to hold up the world as a punishment for his rejection of His Infant King, Who, unlike Atlas, holds up the world with childlike ease as seen in the Infant of Prague."
To listen to the mission, click here.