Rorate Caeli

Event: Retreat for Young Men in New Jersey - Feb. 19-21 - Traditional Mass exclusively

You are cordially invited to a retreat for young men based on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola on the week-end of 19-21 February 2016. It shall be directed by Rev. Carlos Hamel of the Fraternity of St Joseph Guardian, pastor of the parish of La Londe, France; and held at the Church of St John the Baptist, 1282 Yardville-Allentown Road, Allentown, N. J. It is the third time we host this kind of retreat, and the second one in Allentown.

At 29 years old, Fr. Carlos is a young pastor in France and part of a community of South American priests doing very exciting work to re-evangelize the Old World. Having been on retreats given by him before, and having spent five weeks with him at his parish this summer, I can personally attest that he is a wonderful priest and an outstanding retreat director.

The Spiritual Exercises comprise an ordered series of meditations and contemplations born from the profound spiritual experience St Ignatius gained from his conversion and as the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus. These exercises purpose to help the retreatant discern God's will for his own life.

St Ignatius wrote that the 'Spiritual Exercises are the best means I can think of in this life both to help a man to benefit himself and to bring help, profit, and advantage to many others. Even though you felt yourself to be in no special need, you will see how they will help you to serve others beyond anything you ever dreamed of'. The Most Holy Lord Paul PP. III. fully endorsed this sentiment in his 1548 bull Pastoralis officii, asserting that 'these Exercises are full of piety and holiness and that they are and will be extremely useful and salutary for the spiritual profit of the faithful'.

The retreat shall begin on the early afternoon of Friday 19 February and finish in the afternoon of Sunday 21 February. There shall be daily Mass according to the 1962 rubrics as well as plenty of opportunities for Confession. Anent transportation: a train can be taken from New York City to Princeton University (NJ Transit Northeast Corridor Line), where we will have enough cars to drive everyone to St John the Baptist's in Allentown.

The cost of the retreat to cover the expenses (Fr. Carlos's travel from France, food, donation to the parish, etc) is $60. Also, please bring a sleeping bag.In addition to the meditations, there shall be traditional Mass each day, as well as plenty of opportunities for spiritual direction and Confession.

To confirm your attendance, or if you have any questions, please e-mail Wynne Kerridge at And do forward this invitation to whomsoever else you reckon would be interested.