Rorate Caeli

‘Radioromalibera’: First Italian Catholic online radio launches

The first Italian Catholic news bulletin radio on-line has been started up.  Audio and video news broadcasts everyday in addition to in-depth study in Catechesis, Spirituality and Catholic Culture. presents a new way of ‘forming and informing’ by making the most of all the potentials of a multi-media platform: a click is all you need on your smart-phone, tablet or computer to gain access to texts, articles, comments, audios. Podcasts, bulletins, videos and lots of news, news that you might not be able to find elsewhere. The content is sound and analyzes and interprets our modern times in the light of the faith with articles and programmes on catechism, spirituality and liturgy, all of which are no longer taught in our parishes.  is always and everywhere present, all over the world…

We read in Matthew 10, v, 27 that which you hear in the ear, preach ye upon the housetops And it is precisely from this exhortation that the project takes its foundation and inspiration. The project which is directed by Mauro Faverzani has very precise purposes: proclamation, mission and apostolate, but also that of re-evangelization, offering the kind of catechetical, spiritual and liturgical formation that unfortunately seems to have disappeared from our parishes and churches for some time now. It is for this reason we have entrusted these sections to some priests known for their orthodoxy, their intent being nothing other than proposing once again how Catholic Doctrine has always been taught by the constant Magisterium and the Fathers and Doctors of the Church with increasing clarity and precision for two thousand years.

There is manifest and urgent need to make this extremely important content known, in this way taking up the invitation of the Gospel, as the abovementioned verse at the beginning corroborates. Here we have an element of  novelty –  the material is offered, in an absolutely original and innovative way. Technology and the advent of the web and the digital age today offer the possibility of reaching anyone with a simple click anywhere on the planet. In this sense a multimedia platform is the language most suited to the needs of the world today, where more and more, audios and videos, for convenience, suitability and immediacy, are substituting the reading of books, even if not completely replacing them. makes use of all these procedures: it is a bit newspaper, a bit radio and television,  It is this attention to multimedia innovation which distinguishes from other Italian sites, blogs and agencies presently operating online.

Yet is not only this. There is a further objective in our daily programming: in our various editions we offer you news and information that you will not find elsewhere; that  which the mainstream media neglects and which the drum of the politically correct censures. In short, those voices that the Church and society in general urgently need to hear in these dark and unquiet times. Besides all this, much of our content comes from agencies that many for some time now have come to appreciate and follow regularly, such as the magazine Radici Cristiane and the agency Corrispondenza Romana.

Translation: Contributor, Francesca Romana