February 25, 2020
regarding the suspension of Holy Masses
As is known,
the Public Authorities have decided to suspend all public events until March 1st
, as a result of the Coronavirus health emergency.
to such a decision even public
celebrations of Holy Masses have in fact been prohibited, whereas markets,
shopping malls and sport-centers remain open.
The St. Pius
X Fraternity, unfortunately, is obliged to suspend all the celebrations with
the participation of the faithful in the
regions involved, not however without denouncing the behavior of the Public Authorities,
who are impeding the Christian population, in such circumstances, from praying
publically to their Creator.
In this regard,
we cannot help being astonished at the lack of appropriate reaction on the part
of the Episcopate which raises its voice against the deforestation of the Amazon,
but accepts, readily, the banning of public worship given to God.
We invite the faithful to unite themselves spiritually
to the Holy Masses which will be celebrated and regularly transmitted on Ash Wednesday and the First Sunday of Lent, on our YouTube
channel here:https://fsspx.it/it/s-messa-cantata-diretta-dal-priorato-di-rimini-della-fsspx
Contributor Francesca Romana