Rorate Caeli

Book review: Discernment and preparation for religious or married life

By Mrs. Adfero

Called by God: Discernment and Preparation for Religious Life is an extraordinary guide to the discernment of the vocation God calls us into with Him that we may achieve our eternal destiny. 

The author, Rachael Marie Collins, writes that in the hierarchy of importance in discerning what you are called to be in this life, occupation or employment is one of the last things to consider. In fact, it is our vocation, our intimate relationship with God – whether in the religious state or the married state – that takes priority because it is our call to sanctity.  We are replaceable in our occupations or employments, but in our relationships in the religious or married state, we are irreplaceable.

The book is a beautifully written and very well-researched compilation of letters from Mrs. Collins to a young lady who is discerning the religious life.  It is a handbook on discernment replete with quotations from Saints and extensive references to many of the best spiritual works that any Catholic should be familiar with to help them on the road to holiness. 

This comprehensive book on discernment is highly recommended for any young woman who believes she may have a call to the religious life.  Mrs. Collins takes the uncertainty out of discerning a religious vocation with her invaluable and detailed advice.  She also addresses many of the issues a pre-vocational young woman may face in the process.

Mrs. Collins guides the reader through a very thorough process of practical and spiritual preparation. Anyone who follows the masterful advice in this book will have comprehensively discerned their vocation.  For those who discern, like Mrs. Collins herself, that God is not calling them to the religious life, Mrs. Collins also examines the vocation of the married state and how this preparation also pertains to the challenges of marriage and raising children.
Her compiled letters are written to a young woman and focus on certain issues particular to a young woman discerning a religious vocation filling a vital need on guiding young women in discernment.  God-willing more women will answer His call on account of this remarkable book.  It is worth noting, however, that much of the spiritual guidance regarding preparation and discernment could be relevant to young men discerning the religious vocation. 

Furthermore, many of the practices, preparations and resources recommended in this book would apply to any Catholic who is serious about developing a disciplined, spiritual plan for their lives. These recommendations would be especially instructive for any young adult, getting ready to launch into the world, that they may establish routines and live within boundaries that lead them to sanctity and prepare them for their vocation. 

Parents are highly encouraged to read this book for solid advice on guiding their children in the discernment of their vocation in life.  The information in this book would be of interest to parents in a variety of circumstances: the parent who has a child expressing a desire to discern a religious calling; the parent who is preparing to send an adult child out into the world; the parent with, primarily, young children who would like to get a head-start on advising them in the spiritual life and virtue to prepare them for their vocation; and even the parent who, themselves, would like to deepen their intimacy with God in their own marital vocation. 

On a personal note, I would have loved to have this book when I was preparing for marriage and the possibility of raising children.  I must say that I learned a few things in this book and gleaned advice that I needed to hear to strengthen my own resolve in my vocation as a wife and mother, especially when the messiness and challenges of it all seem overwhelming. 

I plan to refer to this book to guide my children in their spiritual lives as they grow in the “tabernacle of our home” and to advise them as they eventually prepare to discern their vocation.  I thank Mrs. Collins for writing this book and sharing her knowledge about discernment. I hope others will find this book as valuable as I have.

Called by God: Discernment and Preparation for Religious Life costs just $16.95 and qualifies for free delivery with Amazon Prime.

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