Rorate Caeli

Enroll Yourself and Your Loved Ones in 40 Masses and 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting this Lent

Rorate was asked by the Hermits to share this opportunity as we approach nearer to Lent.

Beginning Ash Wednesday, the Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Fairfield, Pennsylvania will be offering forty days of Masses, prayers, vigils, fasting, and penances for all those enrolled this Lent. In this time of crisis and spiritual battle when the salvation of many souls is at stake, now is the time for us to pray and do penance, fast and beg God for spiritual renewal in the Church, sanctification of souls, healing of families and individuals, reversion of fallen-away Catholics, and the conversion of sinners who are far from God.

Enroll yourself, your loved ones, or those in particular need of Masses, sacrifices, and prayers.

Visit the Lenten Enrollment Page at