"Queer" theory, "interfaith" meetings, and Muslim participants. The Satan Synod will have it all: all, except Catholicism.
The Satan Synod: "Queer", "Interfaith", Muslim Participants | #SatanSynod
TLM Southern Maryland: Saint Dominic’s, Aquasco
Join us for holy Mass and a continuing series on Saint Thomas and the virtues at the new Sunday traditional Latin Mass location in southern Maryland.
High Masses coming soon. Additional voices needed.
Sundays, 12 noon. Preceded by confessions beginning at 11:30. 22400 Aquasco Road, 20608.
"Women Priests" and "Pride": From the Official Pages of the Synod of Bishops
This comes from the official social media pages of the secretariat of the "Synod of Bishops", preparing the tautological Synod on Synodality. The sayings in the 1970s artwork are, "We are the young people of the future and the future is now," and, "Animate this blossoming mission that is larger than any of us. We desire to be on advisory councils to make decisions."
What a fun pontificate this is...
Cristina Siccardi: New sanctuary in Italian cathedral reveals expensive “assisted suicide” of postconciliar Church
A Pastoral Letter of the Most Rev. Dr Alick Banda, Archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia: "A Call to Action: Against Offensive LGBTQ+ Tendencies in Society"
Cardinal Müller reveals Consistory speech on “unlimited power of the papacy,” says this view “contradicts the entire Catholic tradition”
Bad news from Fréjus-Toulon [UPDATED]
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Bishop Dominique Rey meets with his clergy, September 15, 2022 |
Lamont Responds to Fastiggi (et al.): Pope Francis’s “wedding garment of faith” is not “formed faith”
Belgian Cardinal and Bishops Approve Liturgy for “Same-Sex Unions”
Archbishop Léonard, of Brussels-Mechlin, was one of the most conservative voices of the Church in Europe. That was enough for the petty, vengeful, small little man currently occupying the throne of Peter to not only not make him a Cardinal, but accept his retirement (unusually for a major Archbishop) as soon as he reached 75. For his place, Francis named an extremist liberal, a disciple of one of the greatest perverts ever to occupy a European see (Danneels), Jozef de Kesel. And, of course, Francis created him Cardinal as soon as possible.
Now, de Kesel has arrived decisively at what he was named to do: the bishops of Belgium are to visit Rome in the upcoming days for their Ad Limina visit and, just in time, de Kesel led the Flemish bishops in approving a special "liturgy" with prayers for the blessing of homosexual unions.
National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage draws hundreds to DC: “Tradition cannot be cancelled! We have found the Faith, and we are not going backwards!”
This past Saturday, Sept. 17, between 250 and 300 Catholics from across the country prayerfully marched five miles from the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington, VA, to the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington D.C. as part of the first-ever National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage for the Restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass. The pilgrimage was organized, in a span of hardly over a month, in response to the cruel and unjust restrictions placed on the celebration of the ancient rite of the Mass in the Diocese of Arlington (effective Sept. 8) and the Archdiocese of Washington (effective Sept. 21), as well as in many other places throughout the world. Providentially coinciding with the 15th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, the pilgrimage—attended especially by young people and families—was above all a demonstration of the undying vitality of the Traditional Latin Mass in the life of the Church and the love of the laity for the Faith it inspires.
“The Teaching of the Catholic Faith on the Reception of the Holy Eucharist”: Bishops, priests, scholars correct Pope Francis on Holy Communion
The Freshmen Seminarians of Fall 2022 in France: They're Choosing the Traditional Mass
The Freshmen Seminarians of Fall 2022: The Seminarians are Choosing the Traditional Mass
For the past year three Roman documents have led to converging and complementary attacks on the freedom to celebrate the traditional Roman Mass. These included, on July 16, 2021, Pope Francis' motu proprio Traditionis custodes; the August 4 response of Archbishop Roche, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, to questions posed by Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster; and, finally, on June 29, 2022, the apostolic letter Desidero desideravi on the liturgical formation of the people of God.
A developing traditional world
Launch of Family & Life Academy
Voice of the Family.
Some readers may know Voice of the Family through their magazine Calx Mariae.
The Academy lets you watch courses of weekly lectures at a very affordable price, either live or recorded, plus free webinars on various subjects. There are courses on Natural Law (from me), Divine Law (from Fr Thomas Crean), the moral issue of abortion (from the veteran pro-life activist John Smeaton). There will be special appearances by His Excellency Eduard von Habsburg and Roberto Mattei.
Here is their announcement with more details and links.
On Abp. Paglia's Statement on the Italian Abortion Law (by John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family)
[For Paglia's statement, see previous post on Rorate.]
Last Friday 26 August, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), was a guest on the RAI 3 programme Agorà – Summer. At one point (1) , the presenter Giorgia Rombolà asked Msgr. Paglia for an opinion on law 194/1978, which legalised procured abortion in Italy. Msgr. Paglia replied: “I think that law 194 is now a pillar of our social life”. It should be made clear immediately that the President of the PAV, in expressing himself in this way, did not intend to merely report a judgement present in the community on the 194 law, a judgement that he did not share – as Dr Fabrizio Mastrofini, Monsignor Paglia’s spokesman, attempted to claim a few days later in an official note – but rather was it not that he wanted to express his own personal judgement, a judgement of appreciation?
Reminder: National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage This Saturday (9/17/22) from Arlington VA to Washington DC
Id quod maioribus nostris sacrum erat, nobis manet sacrum et grande...
What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place.
Rorate is pleased to see the momentum building for the National Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage this Saturday. Edward Pentin has done a fine job covering it at the National Catholic Register. It has also been the subject of a piece at OnePeterFive.
It is worth highlighting here the intended national scope of the pilgrimage. It's not intended only for DC-VA Catholics who are currently being hit with draconian restrictions, but for ALL U.S. Catholics who love the TLM and want to participate in a public witness of its vitality. The plan is for the pilgrimage to become an annual event, as long as it is needed, like the March for Life. As the MFL brought people each year from all over the country to DC, the hope is that this first-annual National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage will do the same for the cause of Tradition.
Visit the pilgrimage website
Facebook page
Twitter account
Pope tells new Abbot of Solesmes: “I leave it to you to discern” how to implement Traditionis Custodes
Excerpts translated for Rorate from an Aleteia interview with the new abbot of Solesmes, Dom Geoffroy Kemlin, who just met with Pope Francis on September 5. The Solesmes Congregation numbers 24 monasteries of monks and 8 monasteries of nuns around the world. In their houses Mass is usually celebrated in Latin with the missal of Paul VI, but some abbeys have long utilized the previous missal, most famously Fontgombault and, in the USA, Clear Creek. [UPDATE: A mistranslated line, indicated with an asterisk, has been corrected.]
Aleteia: Why did you meet with Pope Francis?
Dom Geoffroy Kemlin: Last week there was the Synod of Presiding Benedictine Abbots in Subiaco. This annual meeting should have been held in Poland, but because of the war in Ukraine and the reception of refugees in the monastery that was to receive us, we decided to go to Subiaco. Since I was just elected abbot, I took advantage of my stay in Italy to stay a few days in Rome, to get to know Saint Anselm and to visit some congregations. With a bit of audacity, I asked to meet the Pope and he granted me an audience.
Aleteia: How did the meeting go?
Final parish TLM in DC
The Diocese of Arlington has begun segregating those who attend the traditional Latin Mass from parish churches, a practice that started today (happy birthday, Mary!). The nearby Archdiocese of Washington begins its segregation of traditional Catholics on 21 September.
The very last traditional Latin Mass at a parish in the Archdiocese of Washington -- for now -- will be at Saint Anthony of Padua church, a parish near the Catholic University of America. The TLM congregation at Saint Anthony's is comprised of mostly young adults, many from CUA (as students who attend the TLM are not welcome to worship on campus). If you are nearby and need to see some hope for the future, this young congregation will make it worth the trip. The Missa Solemnis will be on 20 September at 7 p.m.
The votive Mass of Thanksgiving, for many years of the TLM in DC -- including several vocations -- will have a professional choir to sing "Missa Pange Lingua" by Josquin des Prez. Clergy from the region are invited to process (with cassock/habit, surplice and biretta) and sit in choir (in the sanctuary). Laymen are invited to pray in the pews at this bittersweet conclusion to so many years of graces from the TLM in parishes. Plenty of parking is available near the church (in the church/school lot or on the street), a short walk from the red line on the Metro.
Liturgical Colloquium in Paris, 24th Sept
“The Primacy of Tradition and Obedience to the Truth” — Full Text of Dr. Kwasniewski’s Charlotte Lecture
“Abuse of power and murder of souls”: Article by Michael Charlier
A Tribute to the Venerable Pope Pius XII
H/T Il Nuovo Arengario
‘As a representative of the Pontiff, no Cardinal has matched him in his apostolic journeys to places like Lourdes, Lisieux, Budapest and Eucharistic Conferences. Thousands of people gathered around the Pope's envoy and the same filial affection followed him when he became Pope, as he continued to fill St. Peter's Square, bringing about new things, such as General Audiences for newlyweds, soldiers, farmers sportsmen and for the famous in the early cinematic-age. A beloved Pope, a Venerable, a Saint….’
Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Vatican II and its Liturgy
The very famous Lebanese-American mathematician and writer Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who is Eastern Orthodox, recently wrote the following as a small portion of a preface proposed to the best-seller Dominion (by Tom Holland, on the inescapable foundational position of Christianity in Western Civilization and beyond).
It captures so much of what we as Traditional Catholics feel deeply about the Sacred Liturgy -- and he limits himself mostly to the language of the liturgy, and does not even go into the essential transformation of the texts, rubrics, and practice that (almost) destroyed the Latin Mass and replaced it with the hideous committee-made anti-liturgical concoction known as the "Novus Ordo".
Desacralization and Vatican II: