Rorate Caeli

Announcing the Next DC-Arlington Pilgrimage in Support of the Traditional Latin Mass on September 9!


Before 2021, the Diocese of Arlington and Archdiocese of Washington demonstrated precisely how Summorum Pontificum-- allowing the widespread celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass-- injected life and energy into the Catholic Church. The TLM was regularly celebrated at nearly 30 parishes across the two dioceses. It attracted growing numbers of faithful Catholics, supported the reverent celebration of the Novus Ordo, and nurtured vocations. 

When Traditionis Custodes was issued in July 2021, we were stunned by the vitriol demonstrated by Pope Francis in his accompanying letter. But we were quietly optimistic that we might be able to avoid the worst of Traditionis. After all, had the document not empowered the bishops to regulate the liturgy in their dioceses?

Little did we know what lay in store. After a year of aggressive backroom maneuvering by the Vatican, the answer came back: no, we would not avoid the crushing effects of Pope Francis's decree. In July 2022, decrees came down from our bishops cutting the number of Traditional Latin Mass locations by nearly two-thirds, ejecting traditional Catholics from long-standing parish communities like Old St. Mary's in Chinatown, and relegating them to gyms, basements, and "Mass centers" set apart from their parish churches. The few locations allowed to remain in the parish church were given two-year permissions, which expire in June 2024. And other traditional sacraments-- marriage, baptism, confirmation-- were banned entirely.

The restrictions have been tremendously painful. But the laity are responding, in a reverent Catholic way.

On September 9, 2023, the Arlington Latin Mass Society will hold its Third Semi-Annual Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage in support of the Traditional Latin Mass. We will process from St. Thomas More Cathedral in Arlington, VA to St. Matthew Cathedral in Washington, D.C. We will begin at 10 AM with the Office of Sext. At St. Matthew, we will recite the office of None. Shuttles will be provided back. In addition, we will have Mass afterwards at 2 PM. We also will have a more scenic route that will take us past the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, and other landmarks in the nation's capital. Details are available at

The importance of this pilgrimage cannot be overstated. Pope Francis and Cardinal Roche continue to pursue the complete elimination of diocesan Traditional Latin Masses across the country. The Archdiocese of Washington and the Diocese of Arlington are crucial test cases for their strategy. They wish to export the restrictions we face in Arlington and Washington, D.C. across the globe. Now is the time to take a stand. As Dr. Peter Kwasniewski has written:

"It is worth highlighting here the intended national scope of the pilgrimage. It's not intended only for DC-VA Catholics who are currently being hit with draconian restrictions, but for ALL U.S. Catholics who love the TLM and want to participate in a public witness of its vitality. The plan is for the pilgrimage to become an annual event, as long as it is needed, like the March for Life. As the MFL brought people each year from all over the country to DC, the hope is that this first-annual National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage will do the same for the cause of Tradition."


 Bishops all over the world are watching: will the laity quietly accept Traditional Latin Mass restrictions as the "new normal"? Our response in Washington, D.C. and Arlington, VA has already made an impact, with the previous two pilgrimages generating national press coverage and highlighting both the cruel and unjust nature of the restrictions and the enduring power and beauty of traditional Catholicism. Join us on September 9 and make the voice of the laity heard in that most reverent, Catholic way-- a resplendent Marian procession, with hymns and prayers for Holy Mother Church.